Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Something To Ponder

What you want is power, freedom, accomplishment, and happiness.

A purchase cannot do that. What you do not have cannot do that.

Everything you need is within your brain and your soul and it’s your job to figure out how to bring it about.

What you have, your health, your family, your friendships, and my favorite thing, your potential, shouldn’t just be appreciated but rejoiced. You should be ecstatic about what you have. You should write it down every day and realize that focusing on what you don’t have is a rabbit hole that will never end.

When you make it a habit of desiring things and stuff that aren’t already yours, you won’t break that habit. It doesn’t matter how much you acquire or how much you end up owning, it will always end up owning you.

Change. Now. Be unlike the minions who see and buy and build up debt. Know what’s important in life, it’s actually quite simple.


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