12 Lessons You Learn or Regret Forever
Sticking your neck out and taking charge of your career is no trivial matter.
3. Being busy does not equal being productive.
Look at
everyone around you. They all seem so busy -- running from meeting to
meeting and firing off emails. Yet how many of them are really
producing, really succeeding at a high level?
Success doesn't come
from movement and activity. It comes from focus -- from ensuring that
your time is used efficiently and productively. You get the same number
of hours in the day as everyone else. Use yours wisely. After all,
you're the product of your output, not your effort. Make certain your
efforts are dedicated to tasks that get results.
4. You're only as good as those you associate with.
should strive to surround yourself with people who inspire you, people
who make you want to be better. And you probably do. But what about the
people who drag you down? Why do you allow them to be a part of your
life? Anyone who makes you feel worthless, anxious or uninspired is
wasting your time and, quite possibly, making you more like them. Life
is too short to associate with people like this. Cut them loose.
8. Seek out small victories.
Small victories can seem
unimportant when you're really after something big, but small victories
build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for
reward and motivation. This increase in androgen receptors increases the
influence of testosterone, which further increases your confidence and
your eagerness to tackle future challenges. When you have a series of
small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.
11. Focus on solutions.
Where you focus your attention
determines your emotional state. When you fixate on the problems that
you're facing, you create and prolong negative emotions which hinder
your ability to reach your goals. When you focus on the actions you'll
take to better yourself and your circumstances, you create a sense of
personal efficacy that produces positive emotions and improves
Complete list (Entrepreneur.com)