Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Some Simple, Effective Eating Habits

10 Eating Rules Foreign Kids Know That Americans Don't

France: Sugary Breakfasts are a No-No

Forget about Count Chocula and the Trix Rabbit. In other parts of the world, the first meal of the day is more hearty and nutritious.

Italy: Decrease Your Pasta Intake

As most carb-lovers know, pasta and associated foods—despite how delicious they are—aren’t exactly the best things to gorge on. It’s a shame, we know, but rarely does something that tastes that good end up being entirely good for you.

Mexico: Focus on Lunch

There's a motto often thrown about when people are discussing a healthy lifestyle, and it's along the lines of "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and [dinner] like a pauper." Like the French, Mexicans are also very focused on a meal that isn't dinner. (It isn't breakfast either though.)

Complete list (HealthyWay.com)

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