Friday, September 29, 2017

An Impressive Creation


This Made Me LOL


Lexus Is Over A Decade Late To The Sedan HP Wars

Lexus LS F Coming To Tokyo With 600 HP? 

Rumors about a Lexus LS F have been floating around for awhile and Toyota Motorsport GmbH even showed off a 641 hp concept several years ago.

While it would be easy to dismiss the model as a magazine rendering, the publication notes the RC F was given an early reveal in a similar fashion. The timing is also interesting as reports have suggested Lexus could unveil an LS F or LS F concept at either the Tokyo Motor Show or the North American International Auto Show.

If Lexus is indeed working on an LS F, it could be powered by a new twin-turbo 4.0-liter V8 engine that develops around 600 hp (447 kW). The engine is also expected to be used in the LC F.


Did You know - Coffee Edition

The Meaning Behind Your Favorite Types of Coffee Drinks

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Do You Fail To Plan Or Just Plan To Fail?

Here's the Secret to Getting Things Done

It's a well-known practice in the sports industry. 

To begin, write down your goal. Anywhere you can see it and in any form. Then, write down the steps you'd have to take to make it happen. Finally, take a look at your calendar and ask yourself: What can you add, subtract, or change to start working through step one.

Maybe it's adding a certain block of networking time each week. Maybe it's setting aside one or two nights to work on your career learning and invest in your education. Maybe it's attending one conference or outside meeting every other month. Maybe it's getting more sleep, not checking your email first thing in the morning, or eating better so that you have more energy to devote to your career.

Once you make completing step one a part of your routine, it'll be so much easier to check it off the list. And once that's done, you can use that same allotted time to tackle step two, then three, and so on.


One Of The Greatest Phenomenom's Ever Invented

Mean World Syndrome is a phenomenon whereby violence-related content of mass media makes viewers believe that the world is more dangerous than it actually is

This is also called the “Bad-News Bias” in social psychology. People who watch the news and crime procedurals more frequently are more likely to view the world as a dangerous place, although violent crime rates have dropped steadily over the past few decades. One explanation is a 24-hour news cycle funded through advertisements that is incentivized to highlight violent crime that captures our attention. Similarly, a large proportion of the population fears mass shootings, since they are widely reported in the media, while over ⅔ of tens-of-thousands of gun deaths are due to suicide.


Thursday, September 28, 2017

This Is An Impressive Display


A Well Executed Creation


I Wonder How Accurate This Graphic Is


I Avoid These Kinds Of Events

Maybe Just Don’t Go to Food Festivals

Most of them are expensive, crowded, and the food’s often mediocre

But the reality is that these festivals are rarely worth the cost or the time if you’re in it for the food. They’re often crowded. Lines are sometimes long for vendors and often the food most worth trying typically has the longest wait. All this eating in one place is also part of the depressing cultural shift toward acquiring food instead of dining.

Huge events also have so many other factors that can, and often do, go wrong. There may not be enough seats. There often aren’t enough bathrooms, especially for outdoor events. You don’t always know ahead of time if you’re getting a top-shelf pour or some campy brand. 
Finally, if you paid a ton of money for a ticket, you’ll likely try to eat everything, and by the end, you will be stuffed with tons of food that’s just okay.


They See Me Rollin; - Civic Edition


They See Me Rollin' - Mercedes Benz Edition


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Nokia FTW!


Who Knew?


Some Simple & Very Useful Cooking Advice

How To Correctly Use Every Cooking Technique You Can Think Of [Infographic]


A Thought To Ponder


They See Me Rollin' - Nissan Edition


I Agree With The Latter

Here's How The Forbidden Fruit Subaru WRX From The 1990s Drives Today 

There are two ways to look at it: either Subaru’s been sitting on its ass for the past two decades not innovating much and sailing casually on the fact that it sells cheap AWD drives to the masses.

Or maybe Subaru has mastered a solid recipe and decided to stick with it. Kind of like what Porsche has been doing with the 911 for half a century.


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

That's Work For Ya


This Is Just Good Parenting, IMHO


I Wonder If This Dish Is Worth The Drive

Pork Confit Tortellini
SALT Restaurant & Bar
13534 Bali Way
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
(424) 289-8223

SALT Restaurant & Bar at Marina Del Rey Hotel serves a California cuisine sourced from local farmer’s markets and a spirited cocktail menu with signature drinks utilizing fresh ingredients. For those in the know and craving some home-made pasta, their Pork Confit Tortellini is made with house-made tortellini filled with a confit of Berkshire pork. The restaurant then takes their dashi and adds a touch of chicken jus and a touch of “beurre de baratte” butter to enrich it and glaze the Coleman Farms radish and garnish the dish with dollops of tea smoked plum.




I Agree With This


5. Telling a boy to man up teaches him that he’s not a victim of his surroundings, emotions, desires, or how he feels. He’s in control. He’s in power.

We place a great deal of importance on feelings and emotions.

People can spend their entire lives falling victim to both, never acting because they never felt like it.
The truth is that actions are far more powerful. We can do great things if we’d just act. We can persist day in and day out if we just act.

We can actually become better, stronger, more successful people if we’d just act like it.

To man up is to act regardless of feelings and emotions, and if you want to raise a successful son, that’s a valuable lesson to teach.

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He Doesn't Have A Job, He Has A Career

We All Wish We Had The Job Stability Of 17-Year Ganassi Driver Scott Dixon

Next year will be IndyCar driver Scott Dixon’s 17th year with Chip Ganassi Racing, reports Yes, you read that right. Seventeenth. Ganassi is even downsizing back to two cars from four, but Dixon’s job is safe for obvious (winning) reasons. Still, holy crap: 17 years with the same team is all but unheard of in motorsport, much less with the real-life working world. 


Monday, September 25, 2017



This Is Impressive


Too Bad You Won't Follow This Great Advice

1. You’re Going to Regret How Much Time You Spend on Social Media

Social media is amazing, and I’m as addicted to it as you are. But social media is also making us all more disconnected than we’ve ever been before through the illusion of increased connection. Yes, we are able to communicate with thousands of people with ease, but with what depth?
Social media is robbing way too many of us of real connection and real life experiences. Rather than looking at the world as we walk somewhere or ride public transit, we regress to what the digital world has to offer. If our addiction level stays the same, things could become really scary, and this doesn’t even take into account the potential repercussions of so much exposure to technology.

2. Your Reactions Are the Problem

Yes, shit happens. And quite often that shit really sucks to have to go through or deal with. But regardless of how challenging something is, it’s always our reaction to it that will dictate how much it is going to impact our lives.
You decide how much, and for how long, getting cut off on the highway is going to piss you off, and you decide how much someone’s poor opinion of you is going to make you shell up in insecurity. Let your natural reactions happen, but then consciously choose how long you want to let them impact everything else.

5. People Are Going to Hate You No Matter What You Do

You can try and people please your entire life, but no matter what, some people are always going to dislike you. So rather than wasting your time trying to match what you think is the most acceptable, spend that time accepting exactly who you are.

6. Blaming Only Makes You Weaker

In the moment, to unjustly direct blame towards a circumstance or other person may seem relieving, but in the long term it really takes its toll. The less you take responsibility for your actions and decision making, the weaker you become mentally.
Taking responsibility may come with some immediate repercussions, but over time, it builds a life founded on honesty, and it strengthens your ability to tackle challenges when they do arise.

7. People Don’t Think of You as Much as You Think They Do

From our perspective, the whole world revolves around us, but there are 7 billion people who see it the same way. While we are not all inherently selfish or self-obsessed, we are all far more concerned with how we are perceived by others than how we perceive them.
So once again, embrace your true self and find peace in knowing that people are too concerned with themselves to give you as much as attention as you think they are.

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Life Decisions Are This Easy

Are you being habitually courageous or are you being a little bitch?

We can decide to be whatever we want to be simply by controlling our choices and choosing to act as a warrior rather than a worrier or a cower. Few take this ability and run with it. Most choose to play the role of the victim because it’s far easier to excuse yourself from battle than it is to enter the arena of life.


A Thought To Ponder

Wealth, optimal health, incredible relationships, deep spiritual maturity are all available to you. But you have to pay the price to have these things. The primary obstacle in your way is how you feel about what you need to do to have these things.

Most people aren’t willing to feel difficult emotions on a regular basis. However, if you’re willing to disregard how you feel in the moment, you’ll have access to a world of opportunity unavailable to 99% of the population.

When you feel the fear and do it anyways, you get the satisfaction of living life on your terms. Instead of being a hostage to your emotions, you get to experience them more deeply.

Way To Finally Take That 'L', Nevada

Nevada Is Done With Faraday Future As Car Startup Gives Back Taxpayer Money

Last winter, Faraday Future came out of nowhere with big promises to upend the auto industry and redefine the entire idea of how we get around. None of that has happened because making cars is hard. Now, a tax deal between the state of Nevada and FF is officially over, and the would-be automaker has handed back all the incentive money it got from the state.


Friday, September 22, 2017


Latest JD Power Study Indicates The Average Buyer Does Not Care Or Understand New Car Technology

Important factors in defining the user experience are understandability; usability; usefulness; and trust. “User experience is an influential differentiator in technology acceptance and in perceived automotive quality. While owners are excited by new vehicle technology, they are also often confused by it,” said Kristin Kolodge, Executive Director of Driver Interaction & HMI Research at J.D. Power. “For owners, it doesn’t matter if the technology is just difficult to use or if an actual failure occurs—it’s all the same to them. In many instances, they envision the ideal user experience they want and are looking to the manufacturers to provide it.”


A Well Executed Meal


They See Me Rollin' - GTR Edition


Lunch Is Served


An Ode To Friday


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Who You Got?

Mercedes-AMG Project One vs Aston Martin Valkyrie A Hypercar Standoff

[M]ercedes-Benz and Aston Martin, two manufacturers not usually associated with the creation of industry breaking hypercars, have come to the fore to try and reset the status quo.
Both projects have been rigorously shaped by Formula One, each taking tangible elements from their respective Mercedes-Petronas and Red Bull teams, and repurposing them into two of the fastest and most extreme road cars ever seen.


They See Me Rollin' - GTR Edition


Of Course It Did

Honda Made A Type R Lawnmower 


That 'T' Gap


This Is A Trip


Wednesday, September 20, 2017

I'm Kinda Feelin' This Future Pocket Rocket

Honda Urban EV confirmed for 2019 launch in Europe 


A Pretty Penny Was Paid For This Nissan Unicorn

Here's What The Ultimate Nissan 300ZX Is Worth Today

[I] want to give you the opportunity to guess what you think a seriously museum-quality bone-stock black 1996 Nissan 300ZX Twin Turbo T-Top with a five-speed manual, tan leather interior and just 528 miles on its odometer would fetch[.]

This particular car came with an extra dose of pedigree: it was the very last 300ZX to be sold Stateside, number 300 of 300 “Anniversary Editions” that Nissan sent the car off with here. 

But the reserve’s cleared, eBay’s calling it “Sold,” and the value of what is probably the best 300ZX left in the United States has been determined at an astronomical $90,100.


And I'm Ok With That


When People Ask About My Golf Game Lately


The A - Team Van


Friday, September 15, 2017