Thursday, December 21, 2017

There's Some Truth To This

Buy The Naturally Aspirated Performance Cars

These newer turbo engines are good, for sure, but most of them feel the same. They often sound the same. They deliver power much the same, linearly and without the insane drama and violence they used to. They’re a bit boring. I drive a lot of cars—they pay me to do this, for some reason—and so many of these new turbo sixes and fours just feel indistinguishable from one another. Good, but... the same.

What have we lost? Character. Different kinds of noises. In some cases, noises at all—the kind that don’t have to be piped in through speakers. Revving. Glorious, glorious revving. Having to work for speed rather than letting it come easy.

This is the way things will continue to go. Engines will increasingly have forced induction, then be more and more hybridized before going full-on electric. This is fine. Perhaps these engines will deliver on that promise of reduced emissions. This is likely the way things need to go for future generations. My desire for a better tomorrow outweighs my sadness over the loss of traditional engines.

But! While we still can—while you still can—buy the naturally aspirated engines. There are fewer and fewer of them every year. They’re dying off or going turbo. We must celebrate and enjoy them while they last.

Go out and buy an NA car. Enjoy the sound. Enjoy the revs. Enjoy the power delivery. Enjoy internal combustion the way it was meant to be, while you can.


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