Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Stunning Secret About The Liberty Walk 'Miura'

Why Liberty Walk Made The Most Outrageous Lamborghini Miura Ever

This is a one-off promotional car, so don’t send them emails asking for one. The story behind the car a typical one.

Toshiro “Toshi” Nishio, Sales Manager at Liberty Walk, kindly explained the story of this curious car to me. “Kato-san has always wanted a Miura, but finding one is quite difficult,” he said. That’s understandable—who wouldn’t want a Miura?

“One day Kato-san went to a few random car shops and found a Ford GT40 (replica) for sale. This gave him the idea to make himself a Miura,” Toshi said.

From idea to creation it took about six months. They stripped the Ford body off and put their own custom Miura body on top of the chassis, overfenders and all. 

Kato-san could’ve easily made this replica without the overfenders, but where’s the fun in that? As always he wanted to combine his love of classic Japanese cars and this classic European exotic. From the outside with the stance and overfenders to distract the eye, it’s quite a convincing replica. The black color does help hide some of the doubt.

The car isn’t fully complete yet; air suspension will be the next thing to go on this “Miura.” While the chassis and engine are from a GT40, some “modifications have been made to the engine.” 


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