Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Science Says I Should


Why? Because science, of course. According to researchers (where do I apply for this job?), swearing can help remedy a whole clusterf*ck of ills. It can help relieve social pain (for when a good cry just won’t do), strengthen social bonds … and even allow you to withstand being submerged in cold water for longer periods of time. If only Jack had dropped a few f-bombs at the end of Titanic.

And it can be particularly useful in the workplace. As the cunning linguists immersed in the world of totally-not-made-up-curse-word-science point out, in moderation an occasional inflammatory word can send a message, whether it’s “stop f*cking up, or we’ll have to fire you” or “quit passing this sh*t off as client ready, you imbecile.”

Plus, these words are often used as an escalation signal to warn that it’s time to back the f*ck off before a difference of opinions turns into full-fledged workplace violence. So, there’s that.


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