Thursday, March 22, 2018

Did You Know - F1 Edition

This Is Why F1 Racers Have a Hard Time Passing Each Other 

It's all about airflow. 

A modern F1 car relies on undisturbed air both to create the downforce needed to maintain grip through corners, and keep its tires, brakes, and engine cool. On the straights, drafting behind the car in front to divert air away from a car's aerodynamic pieces is better, because that creates less drag, allowing it to go faster. It's when you get behind a car in the corners do things start going badly. 

Since that air is being diverted away from the car, it's not creating enough downforce to carry speed through a turn. Moreover, there's less clean air to cool the brakes, tires, and engine. That's why drivers have such a hard time passing through high speed corners, and often leave a few car lengths of space to get a clean pocket of air. 

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