Tuesday, March 20, 2018

I'm Going To Take A Serious Look Into This

The Rally Rd App Lets You Invest In Collector Cars As Stocks, An Asset That Outperforms Gold 

Rally Rd is an app that lets you get in on this type of investing without having to purchase an entire collector’s car. Each car within the Rally Rd portfolio is divided up into 2,000 shares and investors can purchase shares in every car. 

The goal behind Rally Rd is to help investors diversify their portfolios and in this goal, I think they’re certainly achieving. I can’t imagine that there are too many young investors like myself out there who are considering investing heavily in collector’s cars. It’s just not an asset that is on many millennial’s radars. But I certainly dig the idea of being able to buy shares in these cars instead of having to purchase the entire vehicle and be tasked with having to take care of the car myself.


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