10 Of The Most Common Money Mistakes That Keep Even Smart People From Achieving Wealth
2. You don’t realize that every dollar spends the same.
“Money is money. A dollar set aside for retirement or education is not more sacred than a dollar from your savings account or travel fund. And don’t let where you store that money (whether in a savings account or an easily accessible wallet) change how quick you are to spend it. When you view each dollar as equal to every other, you’re less likely to spend money recklessly, and, conversely, you’re not too tight-fisted to a point that you miss out on big wins or opportunities.”
3. You diversify before you optimize.
“You don’t need to change your entire lifestyle in a day. Instead, come up with a tweak that will help you get closer to achieving a specific money goal or mastering a specific aspect of your finances, and incorporate it into your routine. So if you’re having trouble saving for your next vacation, experiment with tools like automatic withdrawal to make saving money toward your next travel destination super easy.”
4. You’re an opportunist instead of a strategist.
“Set one specific measurable outcome (i.e., paying down your student loans). Create a flexible plan of attack using the resources available to you … Stick your plan, say yes to opportunities that serve your goal, and don’t get distracted by anything else.”
Complete list (BroBible.com)
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