Friday, May 25, 2018


Electric Seats Should Always Be An Option

Of course, you may think there are limited benefits to electric seats over manual adjustments. For many people, seat adjustment is a one-time thing—buy the car, set the seat where you like it and never think about it again. But for car ownership that involves multiple drivers, electric seats, and particularly seats with memory settings, are a big bonus when swapping drivers.

Electric seats also allow better, more refined and specific adjustments versus the two or three basic settings of a manually-adjusted seat.

But even if you think electric seats aren’t that big of a deal, for automakers that have lineups of dozens of cars, many of which are bound to have electric seating, how could there be one that doesn’t even have the option of upgrading from manual seats?

If I want a high performance sports car that has eliminated electric seats for claimed weight savings, but I want electric seats anyway, I should be able to pay for the option.

At the same time, if I’m buying a entry-level model, like a Veloster, and I want to make sure I can plant my butt in an exact and perfect position, and add a level of refinement and quality to the interior of a car I’m going to be living with for years, it should be an option.

At this point, with the basic standard of quality in cars being so high, electric seats shouldn’t even be a question.


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