Tuesday, May 22, 2018

What Could Have Been (Or Still Be?)

Why Can't Infiniti Ever Seem To Get It Together After ALL The Mistakes They've Made And All The Time To Fix Them?

I continued to follow Infiniti in hopes that they would finally get it right.

But in my opinion and the opinion of some many luxury car buyers they NEVER have.

People have made fun of the Big 3 for being brain dead for a long time and they were, but it seems Infiniti AND Acura are a special kind of stupid.

At least though it seems Acura has a couple SMALL rays of sunshine like the new RDX.

But Infiniti...you would think based on their decisions and the people who held the reins that the saying #WTF was birthed thinking of them.

Honestly, I don't remember a single company with more potential that has just gone through the motions like them.

It makes absolutely NO sense.

And what the saddest thing about that is so many people including us have always looked at them with great potential. The potential to be the Japanese BMW.

But all we've ever gotten was the most uninspired attempt at that and only getting to watch them fall on their faces time after time after time. 


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