Monday, June 11, 2018

Always Have A Game Plan

I'm a neurosurgeon, and the best morning routine I've found only consists of 3 simple steps

3. Planning

Starting your day without a set plan is like running a race with no idea of the route or destination: You might get there eventually, but you're going to be stressed, exhausted, and certainly lagging behind everyone else.

That's why the third element to my "triple threat" morning routine is consulting my day planner and making a list of everything I need to get done that day before it all has a chance of going sideways. Though most things have gone digital these days, I personally use a classic paper Franklin planner. There are benefits to keeping a paper day planner, including increased mindfulness and memory retention.

Mapping out your day before it begins each morning doesn't mean it won't go off course, but it will help keep you focused on your goals and give you a better shot of actually achieving them.


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