Monday, July 9, 2018

An Interesting Read

Tomahawks Are Pound-For-Pound The Biggest Scam In The Steak World

We hate to be the ones to pull back the curtain on this steak trend, as tomahawks have brought so much joy to thousands on Instagram while they gleefully swing around their steaks like Danny Trejo in Machete. But really, someone has to address this as a scam.
See, it's not unusual to drop a cool $100+ on a tomahawk, and we want you to know that you're paying a $50 to $80 upcharge for nothing more than a cool photo op, as tomahawk steaks are just over-glorified ribeye steaks.
You're not getting much more meat or extra flavor, you're literally paying for an extra foot of bone that you can't even eat.
"Essentially, you're just buying the bone," Chef Michael Puglisi of Electric City Butchers said about the tomahawk. "It's more about aesthetics than anything."


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