Friday, August 24, 2018

Some Good, Simple Advice

Entrepreneur Greg Mondshein Discusses The One Personal Challenge That Made Everything In Business Seem Like No Big Deal

What is the most actionable piece of advice you would give someone trying to get into this type of business or any entrepreneurial endeavor?

Just do things. Try not to overanalyze. Take action. Move forward. You’ll make mistakes, but at the end of the day, you’ll be further down the field than your competitors.

What is the biggest mistake that you’ve made during your journey that you would warn others about?

Forecasting conservatively versus planning for success.

From an accounting perspective, it makes sense, but you have to stop to ask yourself every so often ‘what happens if this works?’

This accomplishes a few things – first and foremost the mental impact of envisioning your success does a wonder on your psyche.

Second, going through this exercise enables you to ensure you have process, staff, and resources in place when you inevitably smash your goals.


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