Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I Do These Things Religiously For Daily Driving

10 Ways to Protect Your Car During an Epic Road Trip

3. Air up your tires
  • It seems obvious, but... a lot of cars have two different recommendations for tire pressure -- one for low speed, and one for high. Go with high speed. Not only will it make your car feel better, but it'll also help the tires wear more evenly.
6. Know your enemy
  • Keep an eye out for exceedingly awful vehicles. Gravel trucks are the devil, effectively sandblasting the front of your car for as long as you follow them. If you can't get around, because it's a one-lane highway, try to keep another vehicle/sucker in between to shield as much debris as possible.
7. Wax it up
  • A freshly slicked car is way harder for bugs to cling to, and no road trip is complete without a somewhat decent Mr. Miyagi impression.
Complete list (

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