Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Did You Know - Sushi Edition

The Secrets of Master Sushi Chefs

Each bite is made to be eaten immediately
  • “Sushi is like French fries,” says Tyson Cole of Uchi. “It's best eaten right when you make it. Every minute after you make it, it's dying.” This means that preparing sushi at a master level requires incredible multi-tasking to complete a plate of nigiri with timing that preserves the integrity of each bite, as well as laser focus on each piece.
Aromas must be balanced
  • A master understands that smell is a crucial element of taste. “A piece of mackerel is going to have a stronger aroma and you don't want it to turn guests off, so I put some ginger, green onion, lemon juice on top,” says Taichi Kitamura of Sushi Kappo Tamura. Some other scent-balancing pairings that our chefs suggested were garlic with bonito and extra wasabi with uni.
Each fish requires a different mastery
  • How you slice, season, and form fish for nigiri depends on the fat content and texture of each individual species. “For a fish that's not that fatty, white fish or flounder for example, I cut it paper thin because it's all muscle,” says Cole. For fattier fish, the size of the slice is adjusted, but also the seasoning. “For fattier fish, I use two to three times more wasabi than I do with lighter flavored fish. On a piece of toro, I use four times as much,” says Kitamura.
Knives need to be insanely sharp
  • Keeping knives sharp is a craft all in its own. “Master sushi chefs will always sharpen their knives every day before service,” says Katsunori Kawaguchi of MOzen Bistro. This is important to ensure that cutting is a finesse action and not one driven by power. “If you use too much pressure while cutting the sushi it will affect the texture,” says Kawaguchi.
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Drink Like A Pro In 2016 - Wine Edition

The 12 Modern Rules For Drinking Wine

5. Don’t assume you know what your favorite type of wine tastes like
  • Turns out, it's not all about the more you know... “The more you know about wine, the less you know,” says Twomey. You might think your Pinot noir tastes weird, and some might even argue with their server or bartender about it (and subsequently make a tool of themselves), but it tastes different because of the terroir. You can plant the same grape in California and South Africa and British Columbia and it’s going to taste differently because of the soil, as well as the climate, and the way the winery harvests and peels the grapes once they’re ready to be made into wine.
8. Do not assume that the food you pair with your wine has to be conventional
  • Good wine and good food always go together, so arbitrary rules like “steak can only be enjoyed with red” and “fish should only be had with white” actually make no sense. “There are fantastic red wines that I’d drink with fish and white wines that work well with red meat,” says Marci at B&B, where a rich Chardonnay is a favorite pairing with some of their burgers. And if you find the right red, you can even pair it with sushi.
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Some New Places I Must Visit In Vegas In 2016

The Thrillist Awards: Vegas' Best New Food, Drink & Everything Else of 2015

Best new Chinese restaurant on the Strip
  • Hong Kong Café
  • Palazzo
  • The menu features a fusion of Asian and Western culture that reflects Hong Kong's long history as a British colony (before being handed back to China less than 20 years ago). The result is a deep and diverse selection of food representing a number of regions, from ham & egg sandwiches to Macau-style roasted pork belly. 
Best new grab-and-go lunch
  • Luke's Lobster
  • Fashion Show Mall
  • Head through the mall, walk outside by the Strip, and turn the corner next to some place named Starbucks... That's where you'll find a cozy seafood shack ready to hand over delicious lobster rolls made with a sustainable tender catch from Maine. Add a bowl of the clam chowder or lobster bisque to your order and you'll definitely make your coworkers jealous when you return to the cubicle.
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How Did Your Dim Sum Favs Rank?

Every Important Dim Sum Dish, Ranked

3. Pan-fried chive or leek dumplings (gow choi gau)
  • Crispy, juicy, intensely earthy... you can skip the Chinese broccoli if you eat your fill of these veggie dumplings.
4. Sticky rice in lotus leaf (lo mai gai)
  • Speckled with bits of chicken, sausage, and mushrooms, this is pretty much everything you love about fried rice, minus the grease, plus gift wrap.
7. Potstickers (guotie)
  • Similar to the old truism/meme about sex and pizza, even bad potstickers are worth having now and regretting later.
9. Open-face pork-and-shrimp dumplings (siu mai)
  • What har gow could be if they just made a little effort.
14. Deep-fried shrimp balls
  • Though mixed and bound with other ingredients like all meatballs, these taste purely of mildly sweet and juicy shrimp. Salty and greasy fried shrimp, but shrimp all the same.
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I Agree With All Of These

Chefs Tell Us 2015 Food Trends That Need to Be Retired

  • “I get it, kale is a tasty leafy green that's very healthy. There are dozens just like it that should be getting the spotlight, like collards, mustard greens, dandelion green, beet greens, and carrot tops.” -- Joe Palma, executive chef of Bourbon Steak at the Four Seasons (Washington, DC)
  • "I’ve had the feeling that in this country kale is now a religion. You see it on every menu! Being French, we don’t eat it much and we don’t get the fuss about this ingredient! It’s a typical fashion ingredient that won’t last in my opinion. It won't last because it has nothing more than cabbage, it's boring." -- Fabienne Souliès, owner of Pitchoun Bakery (Los Angeles, CA)
  • "Unless you have an allergy, I'm over gluten-free. Can we go back to just eating what the chefs want to cook?" -- Jesse Schenker, chef/owner of Recette and The Gander (New York, NY)
  • “Chefs telling me how to eat a dish. I’m not a baby. If your food comes with instructions, you’re trying too hard.” -- Dale Talde, chef/owner of Talde Miami Beach (Miami, FL)
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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

I Look Forward To More Flavors


That's Just Messed Up


I Only Care What My Employer Thinks

8 Signs You Care Too Much About What Other People Think

You dress for other people
  • When you look in the mirror in the morning, do you first think whether or not someone else will appreciate what you’re wearing? Having a general preoccupation with how others will accept your choice, instead of whether or not you like it yourself, is a sign you’re putting others’ opinions before your own. “Instead of ‘What do I think of this shirt?’, it’s ‘What are they going to think?’” Clews says.
You over-post on social media
  • “If we don’t know how to validate ourselves, we’re going to look to our external audience to do that,” Clews notes. Sometimes Facebook is the only way you communicate with certain people (an ex from high school, or an old classmate from college). You may tell yourself it doesn’t matter what those people think, but curating your social media accounts and presenting your life in the most picture-perfect way is a sign you want others to recognize and validate you. “It’s easy to get hooked, even just by how many likes you get,” Clews says. “It’s validation externally and it’s also public, so you can find measurable worth.”
Complete list (

Answer: Not You.


You've Got To Think With A Clear Head


I Wonder If This Is True


An Unfortunate Truth


Good One, Bro


Monday, December 28, 2015

These Are My Favorites From The List

Ten of the Best-Looking Mid-Engined Ferraris Ever Made

Ferrari 250 LM
  • The Ferrari 250 LM was based on the Ferrari P, a prototype race car that won several races in 1963. In production form, the 250 LM was made available to the public, and in 1965, it won the 24 Hours of Le Mans, as well as several other races worldwide. It didn't hurt that it was also ridiculously good looking.
Ferrari F40
  • "I expressed my wish to the engineers. Build a car to be best in the world. And now the car is here," said Enzo Ferrari. The car he was talking about was the Ferrari F40, and at the time, you would have been hard-pressed to find anyone to tell him another car was better. When we drove it, aside from loving its performance, we also said "the F40 looks immediately right." It still does.
Ferrari LaFerrari
  • Its name is repetitive and a bit silly, but there's nothing silly about the fact that the LaFerrari makes 950 horsepower and weighs in at just under 3,000 pounds. Oh, and it's rear-wheel drive, too. In short, "The noise, the excitement, the sheer, blistering speed, the spread of ability in being so usable on the road and such a missile on track. The LaFerrari is a triumph."
Complete list (Road&

It Took Them A Bit Lot Longer Than Most

It Took Mitsubishi 33 Years To Sell 5 Million Vehicles In The U.S.

While 5 million sales in the US market is a number worth celebrating, the fact that Mitsubishi needed more than 33 years to achieve this milestone, makes it less impressive.

It all started back in 1982 when the Mitsubishi brand was introduced in America, where it offered three models, the Tredia, the Cordia and the Starion sedans, but over the years, Mitsubishi Motors North America (MMNA) has also introduced popular rides such as the 3000GT, Eclipse, Montero, Galant and the soon-to-be-axed, Lancer Evolution.

MMNA states that its vehicle sales increased 23 percent over the same period in 2014, and the company has recently reported its 21st consecutive month of year-over-year sales, which, combined with the new milestone, made the company's officials happy.


I'm Not Suprised California Cities Populate The List The Most

Here Are The 10 Most Congested Cities In America

The Texas A&M Transportation Institute has released data from its annual Urban Mobility Scorecard, which indicates how long commuters spend sat in traffic over the course of a year - the results are shocking

The evening rush hour around 6pm is typically more congested than the morning rush hour, with 1am to 6am being the best time to travel. Traffic was unsurprisingly much lighter at weekends, with Friday being the most congested day to travel.

So which American cities are guilty of subjecting their inhabitants to the most severe congestion? Here are the worst culprits:
  1. Washington DC - 82 extra hours in traffic in 2014
  2. Los Angeles - 80 extra hours
  3. San Francisco - 78 extra hours
  4. New York City - 74 extra hours
  5. San Jose - 67 hours
  6. Boston - 64 extra hours
  7. Seattle - 63 extra hours
  8. Chicago - 61 extra hours
  9. Houston - 61 extra hours
  10. Riverside-San Bernadino - 59 extra hours

This Made Me LOL

5 Reasons on Why Being a Korean Petrolhead Sucks

1. The Car Scene is Black and White, Metaphorically and Literally

Take a drive into any Korean city like Seoul or Gangnam or Daegu and hit the highway. Miles upon miles of cars, all black and white (with the exclusion of taxis and industrial cars, that are usually orange and blue, respectively). Almost all of them Hyundais, Kias and Ssangyongs, and these days, often BMWs and Audis. But in the end, they are all still either black or white, and here is the reason why.

A large percentage of car buyers in South Korea are most likely no-nonsense businessmen/women. Those people you often see with slick black hair, with their white office clothes and black leather shoes wearing glasses, hanging their coats on their shoulders and often on the phone talking about business and money matters, yeah, those people. Korean business workers are usually very mindful about efficiency and focus, as a result, they usually dislike things trivial to work, or distractions, and this includes fancy colors and flashy designs.

2. Japanese Cars are Unicorns

This one is a particularly hard one to take for those Japanese car enthusiasts such as myself. There are almost NO Japanese cars pre-2010s in South Korea. If you’re a Euro or a Korean car guy with money to spend on new cars, then Korea would be just as good as any other country for you in terms of the car scene because of the rise of German car sales.

Its mostly because of sociopolitical animosities between Korea and Japan mainly because of the cruelty the Japanese had inflicted upon us Koreans during the 19th century, and the older ones are rather bullheaded in standing for culture and history, and since the older people are in charge of commercial business, obviously, they still tend to retain this mentality, as a result, Japanese cars have almost never touched Korean soil.

3. Personal Performance Tuning is Illegal

Oddly enough, ricing is acceptable in Korea (I’ve seen a few), but modding the performance of your car is completely illegal (unless you got special permission from the government, which is still near damn impossible to do) because of many reasons we petrolheads hate to be inhibited by because of law; safety, mechanical issues, insurance, and emissions. That is why you cannot see even sleepers, because inevitably your car will be checked, and if it is, you’re screwed. Your car as well.

4. No Chevrolet Corvettes

This one might disturb the American car lovers and Corvette fans. Among all the cars to kick out of Korea before launch, the Chevrolet Corvette was banned. They singled out the Corvette.

It was banned with the advent of plans to sell the C7 Corvette in Korea, but the Korean car market prohibited it because it was “too loud” to pass Korea’s rather strict engine noise regulations.

Yes, you heard me right. It was banned because the LT4 engine was too loud for South Korea. Of all the gloriously loud cars to ban, they singled out the Chevy Corvette. Never mind the screaming V12 Enzos and Lambos we have in this country and kick the American car out because it’s way too loud to safely resonate the streets of our high rise metropolises.

5. Your Asian Parents will Never Understand

Asian parents want nothing but the best of their children like any rational parent would, but they’d often shove the priority of school and studying down your throat whether you want it or not, which is why they’d usually scorn recreational activities, and yes, in my case, it would include car loving, as pointless daydreams and tell you to study.


You Can't Make This Stuff Up

Exploding condom dispenser kills Christmas Day burglar

This condom dispenser is a killer — leaving a man with fatal head injuries after he and two thieving pals tried to blow it up to get the cash inside.

The bungling burglars put an explosive material inside the vending machine Christmas morning in Schoeppingen, Germany, in hopes of scoring a big payout.

Two of the crooks made it back to their car before the bomb went off. But the blast occurred before the third man could get into the vehicle car, and he was struck in the head by shrapnel.

The 29-year-old victim was rushed to the hospital by his two friends.

Emergency-room doctors tried to resuscitate him, but he died.


If It Weren't For Rolls, 'Sushi' Wouldn't Be As Popular

Why You Shouldn't Order Sushi Rolls

You can't taste the fish
  • To continue the steakhouse analogy, you wouldn't want to take a prime piece of beef and coat it in a mixture of A.1., cream cheese, and caviar. The kitchen sink of ingredients in an Americanized roll run together such that the competing fatty flavors will overshadow the integrity of the fish.
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Car Collector's Opened Up Their Checkbooks Once Again In 2015

Top 10 Most Expensive Cars Sold at Auction in 2015 

1964 Ferrari 250LM - $17.6 million

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Japan's Love For Cars Is Endless

Another Year Over & Japan Still Does It Best

Japan is Culture

Cars bring people together, and that’s a fact. And let’s face it, this is what it’s all about. This is what car culture is. It’s friends meeting up, strangers meeting for the first time, all brought to one place due to a shared love for cars, the style that they’re into and that inner drive to just get out and enjoy your ride. Japan does this so well for the obvious fact that you are never cast as an outsider. There’s no ridiculing and no looking down upon. When you converge on one location you are all the same; it doesn’t matter if you roll up in a multi-million dollar hypercar or a rusted-out kei car that you’re halfway through fixing up.

There are two very specific things that the Japanese are good at, starting off with the ability to totally immerse themselves in what they love. Call it the otaku spirit. Some go so deep that it blows your mind, but that’s just part of Japanese culture; that dedication, the need and craving to excel at something or at least focus one’s entire passion towards it. The opening shot of the yankee/bosozoku/shakotan scene, whatever you want to call it, sums it up nicely. This past spring at Sagamiko I got to see just how massive the love for this style is, and how people in many cases dedicate their way of life to it. The second is the ability to separate styles and schools of thought. For how great the Japanese are at converging their car passion, they are equally as good at forming smaller groups dedicated to one particular style, one particular discipline and of course one particular type of car.

Japan is Racing

Let’s not forget where all of this passion originally spans from. Before Japan motorised itself after the end of the Second World War, cars weren’t anything more than a luxurious way to get around. There wasn’t a hot rod and custom scene like the US had in the ’50s, let alone proper racing, but it didn’t take long for Japan to catch up. By the mid-’60s the Japanese had become racing crazy, and after perfecting their cars in domestic races they took the plunge and took on the world. And as they say, the rest is history. From those first Hakosuka Skyline GT-Rs that killed the competition at Fuji Speedway, to the massive field of cars that now populate series like Super GT and Super Taikyu, Japan has really created its own take on it all, and in doing so proving that it’s still a force to be reckoned with in international motorsports. Well, maybe aside from Nissan’s flop at this year’s Le Mans!

But racing isn’t all about paying a silly amount of money for your ticket and sitting in a grandstand watching cars fly down the main straight for an entire day. No, the Japanese are a bit more hands on that that, and time attack for one has never been more popular than it is now. And that samurai spirit that still lives in a lot of Japanese often pushes them to get out there and do a bit of racing themselves. After all, why the hell should it only be paid pro drivers that get to have all the fun? The amateur time attack scene continues to be one of my favourite slices of JDM tuning culture, and I love seeing how it continues to get more and more interesting and diverse as the years go on.

Japan is Tuning

This is probably it for me; this is what led me into getting so wrapped up in Japanese car culture in the first place. I’ll never forget those first rides I got in tuned cars years back when I was still in school. Back then it felt a bit like a mystical experience, realising first-hand the potency of a well-tuned Japanese car. Fast forward 20 years and that sentiment is still very much alive; it’s almost 2016 and I’m still enjoying it all, taking part in it, doing it myself and most of all seeing how it continues to change and evolve. But I’m afraid this is where I have to be extremely critical. When it comes to good old tuning, and by this I mean ‘let’s sit here and take this engine apart, stroke it up, bolt up a big-ass turbo and make a ton of power sort of way’, the Japanese have struggled to keep up. Their engine management solutions are massively out of date as is their turbocharger technology, and they have struggled to innovate and adapt quickly enough. But they are slowly getting there.

Where parts manufacturers struggle, tuning shops willing to experiment a little are keeping their heads high above the rest. Nagata-san at Top Secret is a great example as he’s one guy that is willing to execute special requests from his more internationally-minded customers. It’s thanks to cars like this R34 that shops like Top Secret have been able to see the benefit of using BorgWarner turbos for example.

Japan is Kyusha

The older they get, the cooler they become! I find it funny that as the tuning industry in Japan has hit a bit of a wall and is struggling to evolve and keep innovative products coming, those companies catering to older cars seem totally unaffected. It probably spans from the fact that owners of these cars are willing to pour a hell of a lot of money into them, but I’ve never seen a scene move as fast as this, and during the course of 2015 it has gotten even stronger.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015



Too Bad More People Don't Do This


Why You Need To Focus


How Hand Fighting Has Evolved


This Made Me LOL


These Cars Were Ahead Of Their Time, Even More Awesome With Age

The 5 Greatest Homologation Specials Of All Time

They cost a fortune, look absolutely mad and are completely impractical, but homologation specials are arguably the coolest creations to ever hit the streets. Here are five of the best, as chosen by you

4. Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion

In order for Porsche to enter the highly competitive GT1 category back in 1996, a total of 23 road going-machines had to be built. To be specific there were two 1996 cars, 20 1997 cars and only one variant was built in 1998.

The Strassenversion (road going) uses a 3.2-litre twin-turbo flat-six engine which puts out 536bhp and 443lb ft of torque. Now these might not seem like big numbers compared to modern supercars like the Porsche 918, but considering the GT1 only weighed 1120kg, the GT1 could get to 62mph in around 3.8 seconds.

Unfortunately the GT1 was routinely beaten on track by Mercedes’ ferocious CLK-GTR. As a result Porsche - along with a number of other manufacturers - pulled out of the GT1 class for 1999, effectively killing the championship class.

5. Nissan R33 GT-R LM

Key regulations were introduced for 1995 in the FIA GT1 championship that effectively abolished prototype racers from the class. Eyeing an opportunity, Nissan decided that it would base its new Le Mans racer on the highly successful R33 Skyline. Unusually, only one road car had to be built to homologate the model, so Nismo did just that.

The R33 GT-R LM retained its RB26DETT engine and produced a reasonable 305bhp which was sent to the rear wheels. Visually, the biggest difference was the wide body kit that Nismo designed to accommodate the race car’s wider track. Because only one car had to be built, the LM was never sold. It is now stored in Nissan’s invitation-only museum.

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I Need To Learn Dutch & Move ASAP

Tis The Season Of Giving: Netherlands Allows Driving Instructors To Be Paid With Sex

If you’re a driving instructor then you might want to consider moving to the Netherlands ASAP. The country’s driving teachers are in the news because apparently it's legal for them to accept payment in the form of sex.

Now prostitution in the country is legal but as you’d expect there are rules and regulations to follow as well as taxes to be paid. So, that means there are some rules a driving instructor would need to follow in order to physically collect payments, if you get our drift. First off, both parties must be 18, aka adults.


I Feel Like This When Ever I Apply For A Job


I Concur


You Can Never Go Wrong Eating Here

The Essential Guide to San Gabriel Valley, America's Asian Food Mecca

22 Sam Woo Barbeque
  • Sam Woo, previously a Cantonese BBQ powerhouse, has been reduced to a few remaining outposts. Nonetheless, the roast pig and the roast duck are still unrivaled in the neighborhood. For a quick survey on HK-style BBQ, order the 3-item combo over rice from the deli and feast in the car.
  • 514 W Valley Blvd Alhambra, CA 91803
24 Seafood Village
  • The Cantonese-style seafood restaurant may not be as well as well known as New Port to Westsider, but it is still the default affordable crab (and lobster) shack for most Chinese in the area.
  • 9669 Las Tunas Dr Temple City, CA 91780
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The Top 10 Could All Be #1

Every State in the USA, Ranked by Its Food/Drink

1. California

We didn’t want it to be California, friends. We wanted it to be some kind of off-the-radar spot like South Dakota or Texas, but we didn’t map the geography of this nation to favor the Golden State; God, or some kind of mapographer did. Let’s start first with some numbers. California has 80,000 farms; it produces HALF OF ALL US-GROWN FRUITS, NUTS, AND VEGETABLES. Half, friends. 50%. And you know about the wine, right? 800 miles of coastland with fog, wind, and rain to keep vines interesting, and all of that warm inland and hills to produce more of it than any other state. And who gives a sh*t if Paul Giamatti doesn’t drink Merlot? California makes 100 different varietals of wine. Have you ever heard of a Mourvedre?!? I have not, but those grape-stomping bastards make it. And we haven’t even gotten to the cities.

San Diego and its fish tacos and craft beers; LA with its innovative food truck culture (Kogi BBQ) and restaurants (Animal, Trois Mec, Baco Mercat); San Francisco with its Mission burritos and a food/drink culture second only to maybe NY in the entire country. But you know what puts it all over the top? The fact that you could take away those places, and it’d still have enough good food cities to be in the top 10. Oakland/Berkeley with its “anything SF can do, I can do cheaper and potentially better” vibe. San Jose and its cultish ramen from Santouka and Halu. Sacramento and those delicious burgers at the Squeeze Inn with that cheese skirt. Trust me, friends, it’s California on a knockout, and it ain’t even that close.

16. Hawaii

You are beautiful, you grow tropical fruits, and everyone from your unsullied lands swears by your malasadas, macadamia nuts, and Kona coffee. Maui Brewing has extremely solid beers, and Peter Merriman’s restaurants would be a big deal in any state. But you also swear by Spam Musubi, and I’m sorry, I’ve tried to like it, and I can’t. You grew there, I flew there, though.

30. Nevada

On the one hand, you have Las Vegas, in which every single food and drink that Bacchus could ever imagine is available, thanks to its status as Famous Chef Heaven, a place where well-known chefs inevitably go once their aversion to selling out has died. On the other hand, like the chefs themselves, all that food/booze is flown in from Not-Nevada. Sorry, Carrot Top.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The New Incoming Workforce Lacks The Energy To Execute

Nardelli: To succeed in business you need these 4 Es

“I look for individuals that have edge, and I’m not talking about arrogance, I’m talking about edge; that have energy, that have the ability to energize, that have entrepreneurship . . . . . and most importantly [that] they execute,” he tells Yahoo Finance editor-in-chief Andy Serwer

‘execution eats strategy for breakfast,’ right? And that’s what we have to focus on. So it’s great to have vision, it’s great to have aspiration, but at the end of the day you’ve got to deliver and that’s what differentiates individuals; that’s what differentiates corporations.”


This Will Get Me To Rise & Shine


They See Me Rollin' - Volvo Edition


Is The GT-R About To 'Jump The Shark' With Its New Model?

3 Reasons Why A 'Luxurious' GT-R Would Be A Massive Waste Of Time

In a recent interview with Top Gear, the programme manager for the GT-R confirmed a more 'luxurious' direction for the R35. Here's why we think that's a really bad idea . . . . .
  1. It's called the 'new Godzilla' for a reason
  2. We don't want weight gains
  3. Just build the Infiniti already

My Favorite Mercedes Chassis Has A Suprising Kick


This A Lost Cause On Today's Internet Generation


They Go From A Wonder To A Bust

Hopelessly Outclassed, Nissan Gives Up On Lemans Endurance Racing After Just One Season

Nissan has pulled the plug on its troubled front-wheel-drive Le Mans racer, the GT-R LM NISMO.

In a statement released today, the Japanese brand said: “Today, Nissan announced that it will withdraw its LMP1 entry from the 2016 FIA World Endurance Championship. Nissan entered LMP1 in the 2015 season with an innovative new, and bold concept, with the ambition to compete at the front of the field. The teams worked diligently to bring the vehicles up to the desired performance levels. However, the company concluded that the program would not be able to reach its ambitions and decided to focus on developing its longer-term racing strategies.


I Want This Is My Vehicle Fleet

The 7 Best Personal Security Vehicles Out There

If you need a car that's bullet proof, capable and comfortable, then these are the best options out there!

3. Conquest Vehicles Knight XV - £323,000 - £660,000

The Knight XV is based on a Ford F550 chassis and features armour which can resist not just grenades, but full on bomb blasts. An emergency oxygen circulation system guards against chemical attack, while the optional drinks bar and cigar humidor ensures baller-like travel. Under the bonnet, you’ll find a 6.8-litre 550bhp V10 that hauls the XV’s 5.5-tonne weight.

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I Like This Idea


I'm Trying To Do Better At These

16 Habits You Should Form To Drastically Change Your Life For The Better

1. Exercise

6. Reasonable Spending

7. Brain Buster + Current Events

15. Professional Development

Complete  list (

These Are So Worth The Drive

40 Iconic Meat Dishes in Los Angeles

8 Beef Double Dip at The Original Philippe
  • The beef sandwich, double-dipped, is one of the enduring classics of L.A. dining. The lamb sandwich is pretty fantastic too. Just be careful with the extremely spicy, sinus-clearing mustard sauce, so dab with caution.
  • 1001 N Alameda St Los Angeles, CA 90012
9 Roast Beef at Lawry's The Prime Rib
  • The fancy carving carts, which roll around the dining room at this Beverly Hills institution, are the ideal place to fulfill one's meat-filled gluttony. Order a beef bowl cut, the size served to football players who come into town during the Rose Bowl.
  • 100 N LA Cienega Blvd Beverly Hills, CA 90211
25 Baseball Steak at Pacific Dining Car
  • Popularized in Training Day by Denzel Washington, this 10 oz steak is less than $20, a perfect thing to battle a potential hangover late into the night. The old school digs certainly help finish off any night out.
  • 1310 W 6th St Los Angeles, CA 90017
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Monday, December 21, 2015

I'm Guilty Of This

15 Things We All Do Without Even Realising It

There are certain things we all do unconsciously as petrolheads, so this list of 15 things will be like looking in the mirror!

1. You always stare at your car's reflection
  • For some unknown reason, you car always looks extra special when you see it in the reflection of a shop window. Bonus points if you glance at your car’s reflection when in motion!
8. You always look back at your car after parking it
  • As the saying goes, ‘if you don’t look back at your car as you walk away from it, then you bought the wrong car’. 
10. You repeatedly wobble your shifter to make sure it's in neutral
  • Come on, just one more wobble. You know, to make sure.
13. You set the wheel and seating position as low as possible
  • It’s all about that race car seating position.
Complete list (

That's A Good One


Hell Yah!


I'd Wear It


That's Awesome


Fall In Love With The E30 M3 All Over Again

A History of the E30 BMW M3, From the Folks Who Made it Happen

This BMW mini-documentary takes us inside the mood and the moment that spawned the greatest BMW ever built.

This is it—the very first BMW M3, the sport sedan that kicked off a line of one of the most-loved performance cars in the industry. Sitting at the intersection of a road car and a race car, the original E30 was a car that could do it all. Even all these years later, it's a car that still manages to feel special. This brief history video, produced by BMW, takes a look behind the scenes at what it took to bring the E30 M3 to market. Listen to several BMW insiders tell the story from their perspective.

Video link (Road&

A Thought To Ponder


The Japanese Education System Needs To Be Blown Up

The Harsh And Bleak Reality Faced By The Japanese Youth

There is a certain bleakness in the Japanese youth. They can’t afford to marry, nor have kids. They have grown up in a 20+ year recession. They aren’t happy but societal pressures tell them to stay on the course they are on because “that’s what it means to be Japanese.”


At That Price Point, I'd Rather Have A 911 GT3

The 2017 Acura NSX will cost $156,000

Want It Loaded? That'll Be $205,000

Back in October, when our Editor-in-Chief Mike Austin drove the 2017 Acura NSX for the first time in the Bay Area and at Sonoma Raceway, we guessed that the hybrid supercar would start at around the $170,000 price point. We weren't that far off – it starts at $156,000, and tops out around $205,000. But now that we have a solid sense of what Acura thinks this car is worth, and we know what they benchmarked the NSX against, we can compare apples to apples.

Acura says the NSX will compete with the Audi R8, and was developed to compete with the now-superseded 458 Italia. Let's start with the 2017 R8 V10 Plus – pricing hasn't been released, and a direct Euro-to-USD conversion isn't the whole story, but it starts at the equivalent of $179,000 in Europe. For that, the R8 V10 Plus provides 610 horsepower, a seven-speed DCT, and a 3.2-second sprint to 60 mph. The 458's successor, the 488 GTB, should be more expensive than the $243,000 the old model started at, and provides 661 hp, a seven-speed dual-clutch, and a 0-60 time of around three seconds (official numbers haven't been released for acceleration).

For less money than either of these cars, the NSX delivers ... less. Total system output is 573 hp. It has a slight edge in gear count, at nine speeds, and should beat the R8 to 60 mph. But there's no V10, let alone Ferrari's feral turbocharged V8. It'll be up to buyers to determine if the compromises involved are worth a few thousand dollars in savings, if no options are selected.


Wow, Just Wow

Steve Jobs wife is the largest shareholder in The Walt Disney Company. She has more shares in Disney than in Apple. (article)

For the record, the article says her shares are worth $9.5 billion. But if she still has 131 million shares, according to current share price of $112.16, that’s $14,692,960,000. $14.7 Billion worth of Disney.


My Dream List Of U.S. Tracks To Drive

10 Of The Coolest Tracks Where You Can Drive Your Own Car

2. Sonoma Raceway
  • Sonoma, CA
  • It’s bold and complex! And we’re not talking about the area’s Cabernet Sauvignon. We’re talking Sonoma Raceway (once called Sears Point), a 12-turn, 2.53mi course with plenty of altitude change and a few blind corners to add hair to your chest. Both Indy and NASCAR run races here annually. And you can too, by taking a class through the on-site Simraceway Performance Driving Center. If you just feel like flooring it and seeing what your car can do when pushed to the limit in a straight line, the drag strip is open to all (for a small fee) on Wednesday nights from March through November.
5. Laguna Seca
  • Monterey, CA
  • You’ve raced this 2.24mi, 11-turn track while playing Gran Turismo or Forza, but there’s nothing like driving Laguna Seca in real life. The track’s focal point is “the corkscrew,” a five-and-a-half story drop consisting of a left-to-right combo turn, which has the tendency to chew up and spit out overconfident drivers. To test your mettle and get on the track yourself, join a car club that’s rented the track for a day -- look at the track calendar at Mazda Raceway to see who’s secured track days. The best thing about coming here is that it’s close to Big Sur, so you can convince your significant other to make the trek and “neglect” to tell them you’ll be spending a day at the track.
Complete list (

Thursday, December 17, 2015

In My Opinion, When They Got Featured In Music Vidieos

At What Point Did SUVs Become Luxury Cars?

The SUV makes sense as a luxury car—it’s big, it shows you have money to burn (at least on gas), and it has room for all of your squash rackets—but when, exactly, did the buying public of the world figure this out?


And We'll Never Know Why


I Agree


What's Everyone Driving Around You?


Did You Know - Hyundai Edition

Five Facts About Hyundai You Didn’t Know

This Econobox Was Designed by the Same Man Who Designed the BMW M1

You may have heard of the Excel, the subcompact car that Hyundai entered the U.S. market with. However, don’t think this small, cheap vehicle was taken lightly by the market. It sold 168,882 units in its first year.

The Excel, which has nothing in common with the Microsoft spreadsheet program, was apparently designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro, the same man who designed the BMW M1, Lotus Esprit and the Delorean DMC-12. The Excel isn’t quite as sexy as those other vehicles, but its pricentag sure was attractive, coming in at $4,995.

Hyundai Rolls its Own Steel

Hyundai actually makes its own steel rather than depend on the work of suppliers. This is a pretty big departure from the norm in the industry, and, as a result, Hyundai can make its steel with its own specifications.

Complete list (

If They Can Afford Places Like This, They Can Afford Their Taxes

This is why religious organizations should not be tax-exempt


This TV Series Finales Messed Me Up

12 Most WTF TV Series Finales


This show supposedly ended on a happy note. Darlene had a baby, the family won the lottery, and they were all well on their way to happily ever after–until the final episode revealed that none of this happened. Roseanne made it all up to put in her book after Dan died of a heart attack.

Complete list (

I Vow To Put These Things Into Practice

11 things successful people tell themselves every day

2. "I will do what no one else is willing to do."

Often the easiest way to be different is to do the things other people refuse to do.

So pick one thing other people won't do. It can be simple. It can be small. It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, do it. You'll instantly be a little different from the rest of the pack.

Then keep going. Every day, think of one thing to do that no one else is willing to do.

After a week, you'll be uncommon. After a month, you'll be special. After a year, you'll be incredible, and you definitely won't be like anyone else. (And, in the process, you will develop remarkable determination and willpower.)

6. "I will not care what other people think."

Most of the time, we should worry about what other people think — but not if it stands in the way of living the lives we really want to live.

If you really want to start a business — which you can do in just a few hours, mind you — but you're worried that people might say you're crazy, do it anyway. Pick one thing you haven't tried because you're concerned about what other people would think or say and just go do it.

It's your life. Live it your way.

9. "I will try to do better."

We've all screwed up. We all have things we could have done better. Words. Actions. Omissions. Failing to step up, step in, or be supportive.

Successful people don't expect to be perfect, but they do think they can always be better.

So think back on yesterday. Think about what went well. Then think about what didn't go as well as it could have and take ownership. Take responsibility.

And promise yourself that today you will do a lot better.

Complete list (

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I Feel Old Now After Finding Out I'm Older Than This Popular TV Show

Happy 35th Anniversary, 'Magnum, P.I.': 20 Things You Didn't Know About the Classic Tom Selleck Drama

2. Orson Welles Played a Major Role. The iconic director provided the off-camera voice of Thomas Magnum’s pal Robin Masters, the wealthy author and playboy who owned Robin’s Nest, the lavish Hawaiian estate where Magnum lived. Still, an ongoing storyline — which remained ambiguous through the end of the series — had Magnum questioning whether or not the estate’s majordomo Jonathan Higgins was actually Masters.

8. Magnum’s Signature Look Has Been Preserved for Posterity: While it’s not as iconic as Selleck’s ‘stache, another item closely associated with Thomas Magnum is his colorful Hawaiian shirt collection. The most famous one, the “Jungle Bird,” is a bright red button down featuring parrots and banana leaves. That shirt — along with Magnum’s beloved Detroit Tigers baseball cap and the team ring he and his friends wore as a symbol of their service during the Vietnam War — was presented by Selleck to the Smithsonian in 2011.

20. Harrison Ford Owes Tom Selleck a Thank-You Note: Selleck famously had to turn down the role of Indiana Jones — after George Lucas had chosen him for the part — because CBS wouldn’t allow him time off from Magnum, P.I. to film Raiders of the Lost Ark. Selleck’s career has gone pretty well in spite of missing out on Indy… but he did get a chance to play an Indy-esque character. Season 8’s “Legend of the Lost Art” found Higgins charging Magnum with finding a missing ancient scroll, which resulted in Selleck donning a costume that included a Jones-ish hat and bullwhip.

Complete list (

This Is Impressive To Watch

Cool time lapse of an aircraft carrier being assembled piece by piece


Go Figure


Something To Think About The Next Time You Pee


A New Way To Play Chicken


This Goes For Both 2 & 4 Wheel Enthusiasts

Here’s Why So Many Riders Crash On Mulholland Highway

Mulholland is notorious for its insane amount of crashes. So what is it that makes the road so hard to master?

Too much speed and a lack of knowledge


More Power!

5 American Tuner Companies That Are Addicted To Horsepower

Some people just can’t leave well enough alone. We think that’s awesome
  1. Lingenfelter Performance Engineering
  2. Roush Performance
  3. Saleen
  4. Callaway
  5. Hennessey Performance

Great Philosophy, But I'm not Keen On The Letter 'F'

2016 Lexus GS F 101: EVERYTHING Lexus Wants YOU To Know About The All-New F Car


I Wonder If This Is True




Tuesday, December 15, 2015

I'm Over 30 But I'm Not Going To Stop Consuming These

30 Foods You Should Never Eat After Age 30

  • If you and your spouse are thinking about starting a family, consider soft drinks like Coke and Pepsi your archenemies. The reason? They're laced with potentially cancer-causing dyes and are the primary source of added sugar in the American diet. And not only does sugar negatively impact ovulation, it’s been linked to poorer sperm motility, too. Simply put, sipping the stuff may make it more difficult for you to conceive. Wondering which foods can make it easier? Check out these 50 Best Foods for Your Penis to find out.
  • Whether you like Red Velvet Oreos, the Birthday Cake variety or can’t live without the Mega-Stuff, all of Nabisco’s twist n' lick cookies have one thing in common: They're filled with empty calories and waist-expanding fat. “When we're younger, eating healthier seemed pointless when you could just go to the gym 24/7 to lose weight,” says registered dietitian and founder of The NY Nutrition Group Lisa Moskovitz. “Unfortunately, as the body ages, exercise still has plenty of positive benefits, but weight loss is often not one of them.” When it comes to dropping pounds, staying away from calorie-dense, hard-to-put-down snacks like Oreos is key. In fact, Oreos are so addicting and bad for your belly, that we’ve named them one of the 40 Unhealthiest Foods on the Planet.
  • Drinking a caffeinated beverage out of a straw—how most of us down our daily iced coffee—is a skin-aging double-whammy. During the day, we’re exposed to skin-stressors like UV rays, but while we sleep our cells repair themselves. However, downing too much caffeine can interfere with sleep quality, cutting into this rejuvenation time and prematurely aging the skin. What’s more, researchers have found that repetitive facial movements, like sipping through a straw, can cause fine lines and wrinkles.
Complete list (

No Kiddin'

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things Edition

Lamborghini has finally admitted that its buyers have a rather unfavorable money-to-driving skills ratio. Surprise!

With the company conceding its faithful can’t handle a rear-wheel drive, 700 horsepower Aventador, the brand’s rich Bromobile status is all but cemented forever. (As if there was any doubt before, right?)


How Look Your Best At Those Holiday Parties


Why Chivalry Is Necessary


Extreme Tailgaiting




You've Got To Admit, It Looks Pretty Good


Some F1 Stats From The 2015 Season
