Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Couple Of Burgers I Want To Try

Recipe: Grilled Bison Burgers With Caramelized Onions And Crispy Shiitakes
  • I know it says bison here, but that lean meat (bison = buffalo) is really just a great excuse to hold a mushroom-a-palooza while getting a load of brain-boosting B12. First, we mix the bison with chopped cremini mushrooms. Then a few crispy shiitakes that have been tossed with smoked paprika and olive oil go on top. In between? Caramelized onions (mmmmmmm). Put it all on a lily pad of butter lettuce and it tastes like a tower of umami! The mushrooms also provide a bit of hard-to-find vitamin D, which University of Kentucky researchers say plays an important role in reducing oxidative damage in the brain that impacts learning.
Recipe: Saigon Burgers With Ginger Glaze And Thai Basil Mayo  
  • Burgers have become my new fetish — I’m sort of obsessed. For me, it’s all about the burger blend, which is why in my recipe I’ve increased the fat content by adding brisket to give the meat a special lusciousness. Then, as opposed to adding ketchup at the end, I brush the burgers with a sweet, tangy Vietnamese-style glaze throughout the cooking process so the meat is infused with flavor.
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