Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The EPA Director Is Trippin'

EPA director says industry can meet 2025 fuel-economy standards 

'Real world' MPG would have to rise to about 40 mpg under the current rules.

Four years in and nine years to go, and it looks like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) isn't likely to bend much on its Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard. That's the synopsis Automotive News makes of a speech Chris Grundler, director of the EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality, gave in Michigan on Tuesday. Yes, 54.5 miles per gallon is the 2025 goal, and the EPA is sticking to it.

Mind you, the 54.5 mpg CAFE standards are actually closer to a real-world average of about 40 miles per gallon. And with Grundler noting that there needs to be an 80-percent reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050 in order to potentially avoid permanent global warming, that CAFE standard needs to be maintained. That's especially important because last year was the warmest on record.


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