Friday, June 30, 2017

These Traits Have Benefited My Success

10 Signs Your Personality Is Intimidating Others

1. Your word is good.
  • Honesty is something that you value big time. If you say you will do something you always follow through.
2. You are straightforward.
  • You always speak your mind and do not care who gets upset. Lying is never an option.
5. You are strong-willed.
  • You are focused and will go to extra lengths to make something happen.
6. You do not like people who complain.
  • Complaining is something that makes you mad, you would rather work alone than with someone who spends the whole day complaining. You don’t have time for their shit and will not pick up their extra weight without letting them know where they can shove their complaints.
7. You do not tolerate willful ignorance.
  • You are open minded, yes, but you will not entertain anyone who is judgmental. You will either walk away from them and their ignorance or lose your patience with them and let them have a piece of your mind.
Complete list (

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