Monday, January 9, 2017

Helpful Happiness

18 Therapists Reveal Their Secret to Happiness

Happiness is a choice 

"Happiness comes from making an active choice to be happy, rather than depending on external things to make you happy. And the more that we look for it as if it is a treasure we will find, the less we feed the happiness that is inside of us. While we often don't have control over situations in our life, we always have control over our response to them." -- Alyssa Yeo, LPC, CYT

"Happiness is a choice and does not need to be dictated by circumstance. There are laws of physics that dictate things, like what goes up must come down, but there are no laws that dictate happiness. Happiness is where I decide it is, regardless of the circumstances." -- Monte Drenner, LMHC, CAP
Happiness is a lifestyle that takes work 

"About 50% of our overall happiness level is genetically determined. About 8-20% is determined by life circumstances. The rest of what determines happiness is purposeful activity. That is the good news." -- Julienne B. Derichs, LCPC
"Happiness isn't a secret; it's simply the byproduct of certain lifestyle choices. They include being part of a community of friends and family, being of service regularly, and promptly repairing the mistakes we make along the way." -- Kansas Cafferty, MA, LMFT, MCA, CATC, NCAAC
"It's no secret, as far as I'm concerned. It's that people don't want to do the work to get it." -- Leah Benson, LMHC  

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