Friday, March 30, 2018

They Are Gettin' The Last Laugh, All The Way To The Bank

How Subaru Outsmarted A Bad Consumer Reports Review And Took Over America

[H]ead over to Road & Track, where you’ll find a lovely story about Subaru’s rise to glory in the United States. I won’t tell the whole story here, you’ll have to read R&T’s, but it does include a wonderful bit about how the Subaru 360 received an absolutely scorching review from Consumer Reports in 1969 (which you can read here).

In response, Subaru simply just worked around Consumer Reports. From R&T’s story:
So Subaru of America decided to focus on markets where Consumer Reports had less sway—as Automotive News puts it, “small towns where the reputation of the local dealer was more important than awareness of the brand he was selling.” The American importer targeted rural regions far away from the big cities. Places like Vermont, Minnesota, Washington state, New Hampshire and western Pennsylvania—where hardworking people on a budget might be willing to try a relatively-unknown brand offering cheap, frugal transportation.
That, plus some innovative four-wheel drive tech and an oil embargo helped jump start Subaru sales in America. It’s also why it is no coincidence that everyone thinks about Subarus when they think New England and the Pacific Northwest.


The Irony


5000th Post

This Made Me LOL

Marriage is all about sharing . . . . .

The man placed an order for one hamburger, French fries, and a drink. He unwrapped the plain hamburger and carefully cut it in half, placing one half in front of his wife He then carefully counted out the French fries, dividing them into two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife. He took a sip of the drink, his wife took a sip and then set the cup down between them.

As he began to eat his few bites of hamburger, the people around them were looking over and whispering. Obviously, they were thinking, ‘That poor old couple – all they can afford is one meal for the two of them.’

As the man began to eat his fries a young man came to the table and politely offered to buy another meal for the old couple. The old man said they were just fine – they were used to sharing everything.

People closer to the table noticed the little old lady hadn’t eaten a bite. She sat there watching her husband eat and occasionally taking turns sipping the drink..

Again, the young man came over and begged them to let him buy another meal for them. This time the old woman said ‘No, thank you, we are used to sharing everything.’

Finally, as the old man finished and was wiping his face neatly with the napkin, the young man again came over to the little old lady who had yet to eat a single bite of food and asked ‘What is it you are waiting for?’

She answered: ‘THE TEETH.’


Weekend Goals


This Man Deserves A High Five


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Nuff' Said


It's About Time The Empire Has Some Legit Competition


What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Unless it’s FedEx and Walmart’s announcement that they are joining forces to compete against the evil Bezonian empire.

The deal calls for installing FedEx shipping centers in 500 Walmart locations. The launch comes after a successful pilot launch in 47 stores showed increased foot traffic.

The biggest drug dealer in the US has lofty expectations for the partnership. A major draw for FedEx’s in-store footprint is an option to receive shipments at the center itself. A huge win for package thieves and customers alike.

Walmart’s goal is to become a one-stop shop for all of its customers’ needs and adding print, pack, and ship services is a step towards world domination. While some of their online sales figures have been a little suspect lately, an in-store experience is something no e-tailer can offer. This is right about the time that Jeff Bezos says “hold my beer.”

Of course, Amazon remains a very real threat to both of these businesses. Jeffrey Commerce and Co. plan to launch their own shipping service.

Water Cooler Talking Point: “Props to FedEx for being the first to act and see the writing on the wall with Amazon bringing B2B shipping in-house. Not sure what UPS is going to do, and I’m VERY worried about USPS. What I do know is the “Uber for mail” is being developed somewhere as we speak.”


An Ode To Coffee




Okowa Gohan


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

It Could Go Both Ways


The Time Frame Allowed Is Shocking

24. The man who inspired Tom Hanks's character in The Terminal lived in an airport for 18 years.

His name is Mehran Karimi Nasseri, and he is an Iranian refugee who lived in Terminal 1 at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris from Aug. 8, 1988, until July 2006. After fleeing Iran, he sought refuge in a number of different countries and lost his passport en route in England, stranding him in the French airport.



New Nissan Z sports car to spawn 475bhp V6 Nismo model 

Successor to the 370Z confirmed; flagship Nismo version to have hot V6 and four-wheel drive 

The new sports car is expected to be shown in coupé guise before the end of next year ahead of UK sales starting in 2020, some 50 years after the original Z car arrived here.

Future generations of the Z model are understood to have been in doubt because of struggling profitability in the sports car segment, an issue felt more widely across the industry. Honda has admitted a similar quandary about an S2000 replacement and Toyota and BMW have teamed up in order to cut costs in the creation of their respective forthcoming Supra and Z4 sports cars.

Nissan design boss Alfonso Albaisa told Autocar last year that he was in favour of a new Z car to replace the 370Z. He said the sports car market was a challenging one but was “personally advocating” a new Z car.

The forthcoming model is known internally as the Z35 – a codename that continues a process started with the Z31 model launched in 1983. It has been twinned with the next Infiniti Q60, with which it will share its rear-wheel-drive platform, engine line-up and electric system, according to senior officials from Nissan.


This Is An Annual Spring Tradition


Hell Ya I Would!


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Happy Viewing!


That's Actually Interesting

4. Steven Spielberg has been thanked more often at the Oscars than God.


It's About Time They Felt Like This

For Toyota, it's always time to panic 

Company and its leader are driven by an enduring sense of crisis

Toyota's chief rarely opens his mouth in public these days without warning of the "once-in-a-century transformation" assailing the entire industry.

"Over the next 100 years, there is no guarantee that automobile manufacturers will continue to play leading roles in mobility," Toyoda said last fall in a timbre typical of his pronouncements. "A crucial battle has begun — not one about winning or losing, but one about surviving or dying."

That may sound hyperbolic, melodramatic or even panicky to the outside observer. But in some ways, the obsession with gloom and doom shows that Toyoda and his team are smack in their comfort zone — a chronic state of discomfort.

"Technology is changing quickly in our industry, and the race is on."


Not Quite As Crazy As The 100k Paid For An E30 M3

Someone Just Paid $22,750 for an 18-Year Old Civic 

It's an Si coupe in pristine condition with just over 10,000 miles on the clock. Still, that's a lot of money for an old Civic. 

The collector car market is a strange one. Porsche 911 prices have gone well beyond what most rational buyers are willing to pay, while prices for 60-horsepower Kei cars are steadily on the rise. One point of interest, though, stands out among the rest. It's this pristine 2000 Honda Civic Si coupe, which just sold on Bring a Trailer for $22,750. That is not a typo. 

Of course, this example is perhaps one of the nicest sixth-generation Civic Sis on the planet, having traveled just 10,439 miles since new, remaining unmodified its entire life. The paint is said to be original, and the pictures depict a car that seems to have just rolled off the showroom floor. For some context, you can purchase a brand new Honda Civic Si coupe for just $1350 more.

Bring--a-Trailer is known for drawing in high-quality, high-dollar auctions, but this result is pretty shocking, even by BaT standards. It could perhaps be the market for these cars is actually starting to turn upwards, however. It makes sense considering the generation that grew up with these cars new is finally coming into some money. 


The Best Way To Buy A Soda


Monday, March 26, 2018

What Took So Long To Publish It?

There's Now A Haynes Repair Manual For The F-14 Tomcat


Something To Think About


That's Making Great Use Out Of It

Awesome Awning


There's No Direct Competition, But There Is Inspiration

Calty Design’s Kevin Hunter On Toyota & Lexus’ Living Legacy

TG: What could Lexus learn from a brand like Porsche?
KH: You know, they’re such different brands. I don’t know from my point of view that there’s a lot of learning, because Lexus is a really new luxury brand. We don’t have a racing history, and all the iconic vehicles that Porsche has. It’s just a totally different ballgame I think.

TG: You are building a racing history though right?
KH: We’re starting to, yeah. It’s beginning. It will take a while, and I really see Lexus as a company that is searching for a new innovative direction, not dwelling too much on the past, but trying to forge a new path and a new way through the future. I really find that exciting, I think that aspect is very interesting, and it’s very different from what Porsche does in a lot of ways.

TG: It’s funny actually, many many car designers that we speak to appreciate Porsche in the same way, they appreciate the heritage much like you do. It’s very interesting to hear that from different people. It speaks to a designer on a core level I think, and it’s cool to hear that you appreciate that as well.
KH: Yeah, I mean just as a designer, as a person who enjoys driving, I really love the functional aspect of the 911. To me it’s a perfect blend of form and function, and I really respect that. I think it’s hard to do that, and being in the design business, it’s incredibly difficult to pull that off in such a fluid manner in combining something that from my point of view still looks artistic, but also is rooted in functionality. I think it’s something that’s very difficult to pull off, but I’m excited by what cars like the LF-LC mean for us in a similar arena.

I Call This Day, Sunday


Friday, March 23, 2018

No, Please No

Will Dr. Z Help Build a New Z? Nissan/Mercedes-Benz Rumor Points To a New Nissan Sports Car

When reached for comment, Dan Bedore, director of Nissan’s North American communications, responded, “The Nissan Z is an iconic nameplate. We appreciate the excitement and interest in its future among Z fans and other automotive enthusiasts. We have not announced any plans beyond the 2018 model year Nissan 370Z and, as a matter of policy, do not engage in speculation about future product plans.”

However, notes that Nissan executives have watched the partnership between Toyota and BMW blossom into the new Supra concept with envy. The existing partnership between Nissan and Mercedes-Benz could yield similar results from another Japanese/German tieup.

Possible powerplants for the new Z include Mercedes-Benz’s 2.0-liter four-cylinder turbo found in the QX30 and Q50, as well as the 400 hp twin-turbo V6 found in the Q60 Red Sport. That long hood, however, hints at another option — the inline six found in the new Mercedes-AMG 53 models (and possibly in a new Aston Martin).

After all, the original 240Z used an inline-six, the L24 — itself a development of a Mercedes-Benz design licensed by Prince Motors for the original Skyline.


There's Some Truth To This


A Tough Decision Had To Be Made


I Believe This, Even Without Seeing The Numbers

The Ford F-150 Franchise Is Reportedly Worth More Than Ford Itself

1st Gear: The Ford F-150 Franchise Is Worth More Than Ford Itself, Analyst Says

Ford’s recent financial woes have been causing concern among investors, but in his report yesterday, Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas cranked up The Blue Oval’s valuation for the first time in two years, in part, because of the strength of Ford’s mighty but undervalued F-150. Good news for Ford and its much-coveted standing with investors.
The Detroit News quotes the report, writing:
“We see Ford as an out-of-favor self-help story with room to surprise the market with cost-savings and profit-repositioning potential,” Jonas wrote. “At its current depressed valuation level, the value of its commercial franchise (F-Series) represents a larger percentage of its firm value than any other OEM under our global coverage.
The study itself, which you can read here, quantifies the F-150 franchise’s value, stating:
We [at Morgan Stanley] estimate the F150 franchise to be worth 135% of the market cap of Ford.
But of course, the F-150 isn’t the only reason why Jonas raised Ford’s earnings forecast by the largest amount in five years. Part of the move also has to do with CEO Jim Hackett’s restructuring efforts and cost cutting like FoMoCo’s planned $14 billion reduction in materials and engineering expenses, with the news site writing:
But certain moves like potentially restructuring segments of the company and redeploying funds could “halt years of underperformance,” he wrote. Ford has said it will move money around to shift the company’s focus away from car production and make more SUVs.
Jonas’s report says that Ford “isn’t out of the woods yet,” and recommends reducing nameplates and leaving “loss-making regions” as potential actions that could crank up the stock price.


I'm Sure Someone Will Attempt This


Thursday, March 22, 2018

Old, Every Time, Next Question

Who'd You Rather? NEW or OLD? 2003 Acura NSX vs. 2017 Acura NSX. WHICH Gets Your Vote?

So, if you had the cash in your pocket right now, WHICH car would be the one for you?


Did You Know - F1 Edition

This Is Why F1 Racers Have a Hard Time Passing Each Other 

It's all about airflow. 

A modern F1 car relies on undisturbed air both to create the downforce needed to maintain grip through corners, and keep its tires, brakes, and engine cool. On the straights, drafting behind the car in front to divert air away from a car's aerodynamic pieces is better, because that creates less drag, allowing it to go faster. It's when you get behind a car in the corners do things start going badly. 

Since that air is being diverted away from the car, it's not creating enough downforce to carry speed through a turn. Moreover, there's less clean air to cool the brakes, tires, and engine. That's why drivers have such a hard time passing through high speed corners, and often leave a few car lengths of space to get a clean pocket of air. 

A Thought To Ponder

The question is, when faced with your particular challenge — ­whether it is researching in a new field, starting a business, producing a film, securing a mentor, advancing an important cause — do you seek the respite of talk or do you face the struggle head­-on?

Ryan Holiday – Ego Is The Enemy


The Proof Is In The Numbers

The Entire Dodge Car Lineup Is Old As Hell

This figure came to us from a Jalopnik reader by the name of Tom, which I appreciate, as I hadn’t really thought about the lineup of Dodge cars myself for quite a while. I think the last time that I thought about a Dodge car was when my coworker Mike Ballaban pointed out that literally tens of thousands of Americans bought a Dodge Journey last year. Why remains a mystery. Anyway, here’s Tom’s very good email to Jalopnik:
Hey guys:

I don’t if it has escaped your attention, but while we’ve been nice pricing and crack piping, the Dodge lineup of vehicles has slowly aging into what has to be the oldest lineup of vehicles of any full line maker in modern times. Every vehicle in their lineup is at least seven years old, with some starting their second decade.

Challenger – 2008

Grand Caravan - 2008
Journey – 2009

Charger – 2011 (or 2006, if you don’t consider the 2011 update to be all new, which many people don’t)

Durango – 2011

This is an average age of 8.6 years (and that is using the more generous 2011 date for the Charger).

Get this: The no longer available Dart(introduced in 2013) was actually the newest vehicle in the Dodge lineup!
As near as I can tell, there FCA has no plans to update any of these vehicles any time soon, and the sole reason Dodge continues to exist appears to be for subprime buyers.
To try to put that in some context, I checked how it compared to its competitors. Toyota has a bunch of old vehicles, for instance. (If you’re curious, the Sequoia and the 4Runner are both from 2008 and the lovely 86 is from 2012, as examples.) But even Toyota only has an average age of 5 years across its linup of cars, SUVs and crossovers.


This Is Absolutely True


Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Happily & Most Importantly, A Sponsor Was Acquired

Laguna Seca getting another awkward name with WeatherTech sponsorship 

But here's why floormat alliance is a good thing for the track 

According to the Monterey Herald, and also reported by Autoweek, Laguna Seca is getting a new title sponsor and as a result, a new name. The track is currently known by the official name of Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, a less-than-elegant name that goes away soon because Mazda is ending its sponsorship on March 31. The newspaper reports that the new sponsor is WeatherTech, and the new name, arriving on April 1, adds a word: WeatherTech Raceway at Laguna Seca.

It seems that those in charge of the track are happy with the deal, though. The Monterey Herald reports the deal is for five years of sponsorship at a cost of $5 million and that it's about two-thirds of what Mazda was paying. But the newspaper also reports that the track won't be providing the same track access that Mazda needed, and it may attract other automakers to the track when the track's name isn't partly that of a competitor.


Did You Know - Ikea Edition

18 Weirdly Interesting Things You Didn't Know About Ikea 

Did you know "Ikea" is an acronym? 

2. Ikea is an acronym! It stands for Ingvar Kamprad (the name of the founder), Elmtaryd (the name of the farm where he grew up), and Agunnaryd (the name of his hometown). 

13. There's an Ikea hotel in Älmhult. You can even stay in a room with bunk beds. 

18. There's a reason why there are no written instructions on the manuals – it's because it's cheaper to produce thin booklets. 



I Want A Pair Or Two Or Three


There's One Very Good Reason

Toyota Should Never Turbocharge The GT86, And Here’s Why 

We're not just talking about the cliched 'balance' argument; there are sensible, logical reasons why Toyota should never give the GT86 a turbo 

Toyota has staunchly refused to oblige, partly because of balance concerns, and partly because it stands by the product it designed in the first place. That product is an old-school, lightweight(ish), flickable and talented sports car in the vein of a hard-top MX-5.

No one can argue the formula is a bad one. Take something that drives a lot like the one-million-plus-selling Mazda, stick a hard top on it for extra rigidity and then add more power. It’s pure genius… in theory.

Look again at the MX-5. It’s celebrated for breathing without a turbo; many of us still prefer it to the turbo’d Abarth 124 Spider, despite that car’s relative tonne of extra torque. That doesn’t stop us hankering after a well-executed snail conversion for the ND car, but the fact that there’s the choice at all is the best thing. The GT86 gives you choice.


So Wrong, So Good, So Appropriate


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

When Will They Let There Be Light?

Why we can't have better headlights here in the U.S. 

Outdated safety standards, lack of NHTSA leadership keep us in the dark 

Audi, a leader in automotive lighting, has repeatedly run into snags trying to bring state-of-the-art car headlights to the U.S. The German luxury automaker's recently introduced matrix laser headlight system, which performs many of the same trick as Mercedes-Benz's Digital Light, also isn't legal on U.S. roads.

And five years after the introduction of its matrix-beam LED lighting, which illuminates more of the road without blinding oncoming motorists with brights by simultaneously operating high and low beams, Audi still can't bring that technology to the U.S. either. This is because it doesn't adhere to the inflexible and archaic 50-year-old Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) that require all vehicles to have headlights capable of only switching from high to low beams and not blend the two together, which also rules out MB's Digital Light tech.


I See What Lambo Did Here


They See Me Rollin' - Hachi Roku Edition


I'm Going To Take A Serious Look Into This

The Rally Rd App Lets You Invest In Collector Cars As Stocks, An Asset That Outperforms Gold 

Rally Rd is an app that lets you get in on this type of investing without having to purchase an entire collector’s car. Each car within the Rally Rd portfolio is divided up into 2,000 shares and investors can purchase shares in every car. 

The goal behind Rally Rd is to help investors diversify their portfolios and in this goal, I think they’re certainly achieving. I can’t imagine that there are too many young investors like myself out there who are considering investing heavily in collector’s cars. It’s just not an asset that is on many millennial’s radars. But I certainly dig the idea of being able to buy shares in these cars instead of having to purchase the entire vehicle and be tasked with having to take care of the car myself.


This Is Interesting


Monday, March 19, 2018

You Gotta Have A Reliable Heart

Glickenhaus SCG004S will have a Nissan GT-R engine

The Nissan engine was chosen for its reliability 

In late November, we wrote about the introduction of Scuderia Cameron Glickenhaus's new entry-level SCG 004S supercar. It takes a few notes from the McLaren F1 playbook, as the driver seat is central and a passenger seat is placed on both sides.

SCG will instead equip the 004S with a tuned Nissan GT-R VR38DETT V6. This means a bump in power, from the 650-horsepower estimate for the V8 up to 690 hp from the Nissan V6. And that's just for the cheapest version; pay more, and more power will be given. The standard gearbox will be a six-speed manual, with a paddle-shift 'box available. From 2020 on, the plan is to make 250 examples of the 004S per year.

Speaking with Autocar, Jim Glickenhaus said the choice had been made in favor of the Nissan unit as it's deemed "practically bulletproof" as well as being lighter. This will result in the 004S weighing just under 2,600 pounds. A drivable prototype should be ready in summer 2018, and a year later a racing version is to take part in the 2019 Nürburgring 24 Hours endurance race. Glickenhaus also says a road-legal but race-ready car will also compete at the Green Hell, saying, "I will drive the car to the track and we will stick a race engine in it."


I'll Take The 2nd Gen, Every Time


They See Me Rollin' - Porsche Edition


You Never Stop Learning

A 24-year-old entrepreneur invited billionaire Warren Buffet to have dinner with her. He turned her down, but he didn’t totally reject her. Instead of joining her for dinner he gave her something far more valuable: three solid pieces of advice.

“I saw my opportunity and I just had to take it,” Gong told CNBC Make It at Money 20/20 in Singapore. 

Gong, now the co-founder and CEO of WafaGames, didn’t get to have that dinner with Buffet, but she didn’t come away empty-handed. Buffet did spend an hour with her, having a drink, and offered her three pieces of advice.
1. Before you go to sleep each night, ask yourself: Are you smarter, have you learnt something new?
2. Always pick up the phone. In life there will be so many things you want to run away from, but you should always confront them head on.

3. Be humble, no matter how high you rise.
Considering the fact that Gong, now 31, was named one of MIT’s 2017 35 Innovators under 35 it looks like she took Buffet’s advice to heart.

“Sometimes I have to ask myself if I still have that courage of my 24-year-old self,” Gong told CNBC’s Make It. “I have to remind myself of that Warren Buffett moment.”


Oh The Irony


Friday, March 16, 2018

The Irony

Prepare your minds . . . . .

Phil Mickelson's win drought lasted 1,687 days.

Sunday at Bay Hill will be 1,687 days since Tiger Woods' last victory.


There Are No Winners In This




It's Definitely Harder Than It Looks

Here's How You Shift An 18-Speed Transmission

[T]ruckers don’t get enough respect in this country. They have to master aspects of math, dancing, and practical wizardry just to get their beasts of burden moving.

All hail truckers.

Video link (

It's Got Some Serious Show & Go

I Would Buy This Modified 1974 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow For $113,000, Sure 


Thursday, March 15, 2018

This Is So True


Something To Ponder


Reading This Made Me LOL

The 2019 Mercedes-AMG C43 Gets Bigger Turbos And Is Basically An Audi From 10 Years Ago

Mercedes just updated the C43 AMG to give its 3.0-liter V6 larger turbochargers, more boost and more power. Things are up 23 horsepower to a total of 385, which basically makes this the sports sedan you wished you could buy a decade ago from Audi.

Here’s the key stuff from Mercedes, right from the company’s press release:
The V6 biturbo engine boasts a high power output combined with low fuel consumption and emissions. The high power output is in part courtesy of separate, larger turbochargers (max. charge pressure 1.1 bar). Installed close to the engine, the two turbochargers are especially spontaneous in their response. The AMG power unit can be identified by the engine cover with red aluminium insert and AMG lettering.
What’s funny about that is it’s basically the same as the B8 Audi S4 that debuted back in 2008. The size of the cars are within an inch of each other in all main dimensions, they weigh about the same (around 3,700 pounds) and they both run boosted 3.0-liter V6s that make horsepower in the high 300 range and they both have standard all-wheel drive.


I Believe It

Jerry Seinfeld Says He Came Up With The Porsche 911 R

The 911 R is an ultra-expensive wingless manual 911. Seinfeld, jokingly, explains that he came up with it. He elaborates:
“I wanted to do a custom made, one-off 911 ten years ago Grant [Larson] and I had discussed this and he approached the board. What I wanted to build was a new 911 R, which they refused us. But then, 4-5 years later, aha, the new 911 R appeared.”

. . . . .

I want[ed] a super lightweight, no-wing GT3.
This is mostly in jest and Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t really think he has a lawsuit on his hands. But I wouldn’t mind seeing what other Porsche designs Seinfeld could come up with. That would mean Porsche would have to sever all ties with Vandelay Industries.


Interesting Name Choice

Toyota plans to spend a lot of money to address the self-driving elephant in the room. The $2.8B investment will fund the Toyota Research Institute-Advanced Development or TRIAD for short. Think someone should tell them that the Triads are an international organized crime syndicate? 


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Something To Ponder


Choose Your Weapon - Subaru Edition


Something To Ponder

You Are a Direct Reflection of the People You Spend the Most Time With

Deliberately choosing the people around you is how you can sculpt yourself.

The challenge with this is knowing when to walk away.


This Is Troubling News

People Are Borrowing Record Amounts To Buy A Damn Car

Americans owe more than $1 trillion in car loans, and we’re borrowing record-setting amounts to buy a car. That’s according to a new report from Experian Automotive, which tracks car loans across the U.S.

The reason, reports CNBC, is a combination of higher prices for new cars and relatively low rates for auto loans. The average amount borrowed grew to above $27,000 last quarter, a first.
Here’s more from CNBC:
“It’s not surprising buyers are borrowing more,” said Melinda Zabritski, Experian’s senior director of automotive credit. “If you look at the most popular segments, they are full-size pickups and SUVs. It’s hard to find one of those models new and fully loaded for under $30,000.”
According to Experian, the average auto loan in fourth quarter 2013 was $27,430—an increase of $739 compared with the same period of 2012. The average used car loan was $345 higher, coming in at $17,974.
What’s concerning is that, even though prices are at record highs, Americans are also accepting longer terms. Experian found that a record 20 percent of all new car loans in the last quarter came with 72 month terms. (There are plenty of reasons why this could be an issue.)


A Tough Decision Was Made - Nordstrom Edition


Poor little rich family. The Nordstroms got some bad news when a special committee to the board rejected a plan to take their namesake retailer private in a bid worth roughly $8B. The board committee was having none of the $50 per share offer which came in below the latest closing price.

Unlike the families of backwoods Appalachia, the Nordstroms didn’t have much of a choice but to keep it in the family. The first family of depressing department stores left as much as $550M on the rich mahogany table as the buyer group led by Leonard Green & Partners planned to snatch up approximately 21% of their current stake.

If nothing else, the Nordstroms can be LinkedIn endorsed for stubbornness as this isn’t the first time Bruce and Anne have tried to cash in on their grandfather’s life work. An attempt in October went about as well as you’d expect for a debt-laden victim of Amazon’s proverbial smallpox blankets.

Water Cooler Talking Point: “You know whats worse than selling a stock at $50 per share? Selling at $3 per share. Who better to know to get out while the getting’s good than the family whose name is on the door?”


Monday, March 12, 2018

Cutlets, Great As Main Course Or In Between Bread

16 Reasons to Have Cutlets (or Schnitzel or Tonkatsu or . . . . .) for Dinner 

Most cultures have their own version of a breaded, pan-fried meat cutlet—because, no matter what you call it, it's just so darn good.

Skate Wing Schnitzel

“This dish was on our opening menu and still makes an appearance whenever we can get fresh skate wings,” says chef Adam Evans, of The Optimist, in Atlanta. His method also works with skinless turbot, flounder, or sole fillets.

Chicken Cutlet Sandwiches with Savoy Cabbage Slaw

Few legal substances can compete with a crispy chicken sandwich (no deep fryer necessary!) that’s been topped with a cool slaw.

Pork Scaloppine with Fennel Salsa Verde

The surface scoring used here helps to create a cutlet that will be evenly thin when pounded out. Try it on beef or veal, too.

Well Said


A Well Executed Meal


Some Interesting Boastful Humility

Mercedes Sees The Breadth Of Its Domain, And Weeps For There Are No More Niches To Conquer

Top Gear raised the question to Benz at the Geneva Motor Show, wondering if the company has realized it makes everything from economy hatchbacks to luxury six-wheel drive pickups and every kind of coupe-ified crossover in between. Benz boss Dieter Zetsche was remarkably self-aware about it all:
“Of course, every new car we launch has some ‘substitution aspects’ to the existing portfolio”, said the ever-affable German. “But typically we have a higher cannibalisation impact on our competition, which is what we are aiming for!” He cracks a broad smile from behind the trademark moustache.
Zetsche added that the company does believe that there are limits to how many models a company should sell:
“There’s a level of fragmentation where even the customer might get confused, and you’re not adding value any more, and to find the right balance there is certainly not easy.”
And he concluded that, desire or no, there’s not much else to look into:
“There are not that many niches left to fill, of course. But, we stay creative and innovative. I can’t tell you what ideas we will have tomorrow. But we have a pretty full picture.”
That quote about Alexander the Great, “when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer,” that sounds so apt in this context is attributed to Plutarch but is probably from Die Hard. So I’ll add in one that’s actually from Plutarch that’s also relevant here, one that the decision makers at Mercedes should ponder: “Know ye not that the end and object of conquest is to avoid doing the same thing as the conquered?”


This Is A Proper Tailgating Vehicle

Nissan Smokin' Titan is custom made for BBQ lovers 

The truck bed's now a smokin' hot trailer
