Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Size Does Matter


This Is True In Asian Culture, Too


A Damn Good Read

How Special Paint On The Hood Of The World War II Jeep Protected Soldiers' Lives

“In order to provide for the detection of liquid vesicants, the following procedure is adopted,” the European Theater of Operations document reads. “When the national symbol is located in a position visible to the driver, the space between the points of the star will be painted with paint, liquid vesicant detector, M5, to form a circle around the star.”

“In the presence of a vesicant spray attack,” the document continues, “the detector paint will give warning by becoming discolored from its normal brown to red,” going on to say that the paint does not work if the vesicant is a vapor.

The document continues, saying that if the star symbol isn’t visible, a two-square foot blotch of paint should be painted on an area that the driver can see, and that the paint has to be renewed twice a year or “whenever it becomes checked and chalky.” The paint should be cleaned with a brush and water, and it should be kept away from leaded fuel, the document states.


This Photo Says A Lot


A Portrait Of Japanese Classics


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

I Have Asked This Quite A Few Times


They See Me Rollin' - BMW E30 Edition


This Is Just A Sad Reality

Sedans Don't Make Sense Anymore

To stem the flow, automakers are doing what they should have done a long time ago. They’re making sedans less like sedans; liftbacks, “four-door” coupes, and fastback designs are commonplace, from the new Accord to the Buick Regal. Even wagons are making a comeback of sorts in America, albeit a small one.

The regular sedan deserves its fate; not an exciting execution, but a boring and slow death in quiet irrelevance. A death representative of the sedan’s existence.

Naturally, some traditional three-box designs will soldier on, even as the crossovers consume all. That’s fine. There still needs to be cars for the people who worry that their back-seat passengers are stealing from them.


This Advice Should Be Taken Seriously

Aston Martin CEO fears for mass-market auto brands

TURIN -- The increasing commoditization of cars will force mass-market manufacturers to change their business models or face extinction, Aston Martin CEO Andy Palmer told the Automotive News Europe Congress.

“I do believe we are at the beginning of end of the traditional automotive industry,” he said.

“For a long time, the business model has been stack 'em high and sell 'em cheap,” he said. “But profitless volume is no way to build a sustainable company. It makes no sense to spend 1 billion [euros] on a new car and discount it almost at launch.”

“We risk moving toward commoditization of a pod,” he said, drawing a comparison with the aerospace industry as a possible scenario for car manufacturers. “The world does not need dozens of nameplates making the same objects. There are more than 75 automotive nameplates in Europe, but just four plane makers,” he said.

Palmer said there was need for “a different business model” that capitalized on customers' desire to own beautiful, exciting cars built by a company with a strong brand.

“People are still looking for emotion in their motion and that's where the luxury manufacturers sit, and where Aston Martin is flourishing,” he said.

Aston Martin has proved that car companies don't need to be part of a wider giant group to survive and generate good profit margins, Palmer argued. “Having worked in mass market and volume, I know now that small is beautiful. You have the agility to respond to market and customer needs, and as long as you have friends to share technology there is the ability to improve margins,” he said.


A Well Executed Creation

Calamari BLT sandwich at The Black Marlin restaurant.


Monday, May 28, 2018

R32 or R34? For Me, R32, All Day Every Day


They See Me Rollin' - Mazda RX-7 Edition


I Consider This Having Problem Solving Abilities

According To Millionaires, One Personality Trait Hinders Success, So Avoid People Who Have It

Reports Inc. magazine
Thomas Corley found one key differentiator between millionaires and others: Wealthy people–especially self-made–avoided pessimistic people. Self-made millionaires in particular, he found, shared how they were optimists and tried to avoid people with a pessimistic personality.

In fact, he found that nearly nine out of 10 millionaires sought to be around people who shared a positive outlook and focused on success. This is critically important when you consider that personality and habits are contagious. Just as a negative person can bring down the mood in a room, an optimistic person can lift it.
Speaking to Business Insider, Corley elaborated further…
There’s a common personality type that’s common among self-made millionaires. I call it “the positive mental outlook.” The reason having a positive mental outlook is actually a prerequisite for being successful is because it allows you to use 100% of your brain.
Corley also said researchers have found that when you have a negative mental outlook you actually shut off one-third of your brain, whereas a positive mental outlook triggers personality traits like persistence, resilience, patience, and focus — all traits that are common among the most successful people of the world.


Nice Name Choice (?)

Porsche Mission E's official name: 'Taycan' 

It means "lively young horse" 


This Is True For Me


Friday, May 25, 2018

Did You Know - Grease, The Movie Edition

33 Facts About "Grease" That Might Just Blow Your Mind

"We'll always be together. Wha oooh, yeah!"

9. Lucille Ball's daughter Lucie Arnaz was originally up for the role of Rizzo, but was later dropped from consideration after her mom told producers this: “I used to own that studio; my daughter’s not doing a screen test!”

28. Believe it or not, the word "grease" is never said in the film, only "greased."

Complete list (


Electric Seats Should Always Be An Option

Of course, you may think there are limited benefits to electric seats over manual adjustments. For many people, seat adjustment is a one-time thing—buy the car, set the seat where you like it and never think about it again. But for car ownership that involves multiple drivers, electric seats, and particularly seats with memory settings, are a big bonus when swapping drivers.

Electric seats also allow better, more refined and specific adjustments versus the two or three basic settings of a manually-adjusted seat.

But even if you think electric seats aren’t that big of a deal, for automakers that have lineups of dozens of cars, many of which are bound to have electric seating, how could there be one that doesn’t even have the option of upgrading from manual seats?

If I want a high performance sports car that has eliminated electric seats for claimed weight savings, but I want electric seats anyway, I should be able to pay for the option.

At the same time, if I’m buying a entry-level model, like a Veloster, and I want to make sure I can plant my butt in an exact and perfect position, and add a level of refinement and quality to the interior of a car I’m going to be living with for years, it should be an option.

At this point, with the basic standard of quality in cars being so high, electric seats shouldn’t even be a question.


Welcome Back To The Wheel Game, SSR

New Formula Aero Mesh Wheel From SSR Is The Throwback Look Your Car Needs This Summer


They See Me Rollin' - E30 Edition


An Interesting Perspective About Watercraft

[T]he market for boats isn’t without pitfalls: it’s highly cyclical and dependent on discretionary income. The US boat market still hasn’t recovered from the Great Recession.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

A Piece Of Automotive Heaven On Earth

The Amazing Hidden Showrooms And Garages Of Melbourne


This Is An Interesting Read

31 Reasons Garlic, Ginger, and Scallions Are the Holy Flavor Trinity 

This combo makes everything better, except maybe ice cream. That would be weird.

Is there a more foolproof trio of ingredients than garlic, ginger, and scallions? Hard to think of any. This holy trinity of Cantonese cooking provides a fragrant base for any good stir-fry, but it's also versatile enough to use as aromatics in a variety of Eastern-inspired dishes, like kimchi, bulgogi, stews, even meatballs.


This News Does Not Surprise Me

More People Are Now Prioritizing Their Phone Bill Over Their Car Payment

Phones are less expensive than a car, I get that, but here’s another bullet point to help illustrate the fact that more people are struggling to make their auto loan payments: Americans are prioritizing their phone bill over the car, reports Bloomberg.

“Payment priority of cell phones is higher than personal and auto loans and similar to or slightly lower than that of mortgage,” Ram Ahluwalia, the chief executive officer of PeerIQ, a New York-based provider of data and analytics for the consumer lending sector, said in an interview. “Now with Lyft and Uber, you can access transportation via cell phone. The car no longer is a central asset. Technological change is driving shifts in consumer behavior.”
I think the point here is valid. But it’s not because the car is “no longer” a central asset. Millions of people need to get around for work and errands every day. Instead of this being a sign that record amounts for loan terms, loan amounts, and 90-day delinquent borrowers, Bloomberg frames this around a sign of opportunity for investors to consider purchasing securities backed by phone bills.


Yes, That Is An Actual Statue

[T]he famous VW statue in Reifnitz.


I Concur


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Did You Know - Mercedes Benz 600 Edition

Ten Little-Known Facts About the Mercedes-Benz 600 

Historically owned by royalty, it has windows that will take your arm off, if you're not careful. 

3. A window can take your arm off. The window switch, which makes it possible to take your arm off, costs $11,200.

The 600's windows are operated by a variable-rate switch—essentially a pressure-sensitive valve body that lives in the door and routes fluid to the window regulators.

When lowering the window, this switch acts in a simple on-off fashion; push it, the window moves at one speed. When raising the window, however, the switch offers a variable rate—pressing it gently creeps the glass up, but nailing it slams the window shut fast enough to slice off a body part. You can hear it whunk into the door. It sounds like a cleaver pounding into a chopping block.

For some ungodly reason, this switch, which also operates all four windows from the driver's side, currently retails for $11,200 from Mercedes-Benz. Fortunately, it can be repaired for a more reasonable price. The suspension-height switch—the cockpit valve that adjusts the 600's ride height—goes for a more manageable $1400.

I'd Rock This Time Piece

Nixon Sentry Chrono Leather 42 - $250

I’ve been a Nixon fan since the early 2000s, as they’ve been building stylish but inexpensive and quality timepieces for all that time. They were also featured heavily in action sports magazines that I loved back then, and advertising does work. In any case, as their target market has aged, they’ve started providing more adult designs, like this one. The Sentry Chrono is part of their “Speedster” collection of watches.

Check out the Sentry Chrono on


This Is A Well Built Sedan


Humanity Has A New Super Hero


It's Simple. Car Vs Human, Car Will Always Win. Duh!

Why pedestrian death rate is shooting up, and how to save more lives 

IIHS says one vehicle type has an 81 percent spike in fatalities 

Pedestrian deaths in the U.S. are climbing at an alarming rate, jumping 46 percent since reaching a low point in 2009, according to federal data. Now, a new study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety identifies some trends behind the numbers and offers some recommendations.

Among the IIHS' findings: Pedestrian crashes have become not only more frequent, but deadlier, with deaths per 100 crashes with pedestrians rising 29 percent from 2010, when they reached their lowest point, to 2015. Unsurprisingly, the increase is happening mostly in urban and suburban areas, in the dark, and the fatalities are generally happening away from intersections, on busy main roads or arterial roads.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Did You Know - Shrimp Vs. Prawn Edition


Did You Know - Aerospace Edition

Here's Why Airplanes Have Engines On The Wings Or On The Tail


Wing Mount

Pro: Much easier engine access for service, can mount more and/or bigger engines, less structural reinforcing needed, shorter fuel lines, safer in case of engine fire
Con: High noise levels, susceptible to ground/foreign objects/debris damage, requires larger rudder (in case one engine is lost)

Rear Mount

Pro: Quieter operation (from inside cabin), less likely to take in debris/foreign objects, more suitable to more kinds of runways/airstrips, can reverse aircraft on ground
Con: Harder to access for maintenance, requires more structural support and longer fuel lines, more dangerous in case of fire

This Rendering Was Well Done

New Toyota Supra and Supra (A80) nose


What Could Have Been (Or Still Be?)

Why Can't Infiniti Ever Seem To Get It Together After ALL The Mistakes They've Made And All The Time To Fix Them?

I continued to follow Infiniti in hopes that they would finally get it right.

But in my opinion and the opinion of some many luxury car buyers they NEVER have.

People have made fun of the Big 3 for being brain dead for a long time and they were, but it seems Infiniti AND Acura are a special kind of stupid.

At least though it seems Acura has a couple SMALL rays of sunshine like the new RDX.

But would think based on their decisions and the people who held the reins that the saying #WTF was birthed thinking of them.

Honestly, I don't remember a single company with more potential that has just gone through the motions like them.

It makes absolutely NO sense.

And what the saddest thing about that is so many people including us have always looked at them with great potential. The potential to be the Japanese BMW.

But all we've ever gotten was the most uninspired attempt at that and only getting to watch them fall on their faces time after time after time. 


I'll The Konigsegg, Please

Our Favorite Million (and Multi-Million) Dollar Cars

Koenigsegg Regera: $1,890,000;

While any Koenigsegg would fit in on this list, we particularly like the Regera for its fascinating drivetrain. Specifically, it doesn't have any gears. Instead, it simply has an engine and a trio of electric motors that drive the wheels directly. Combined they produce about 1,500 horsepower and can run the Regera up to a top speed of 248 mph. Those specs put it right near the Bugatti Chiron, but at a much cheaper price of $1,890,000. On top of that, it has the typical slippery, futuristic Koeniggsegg styling. It's the perfect car for showing up those people that say hybrids are boring nerd-mobiles.

Complete list (

Monday, May 21, 2018

Two Beauties Safely Stored


A Historical, 'What Ever You Can Do, I Can Do Better' Moment

GM Exec Crashes Corvette Pace Car Into Wall At Belle Isle IndyCar Race



It’s OK to make a mistake or ask a question. But don’t ever ask the same question or make the same mistake twice.


a.k.a. We Have No Idea What Kind Of Car To Manufacture

Acura Says It Was Wrong To Focus On Benchmarking Lexus And Infiniti

Acura general manager Jon Ikeda admits that for a while, the brand forgot its roots and there was a disconnect between its advertising and the vehicles it produced.

Speaking at the Marketing 360 event hosted by Automotive News, Ikeda said that Acura’s messaging went down the wrong road as rivals like Lexus and Infiniti emerged as serious rivals.

“We started to chase what was in, what the market was talking about more than staying true to ourselves,” Ikeda said. “When you start benchmarking and looking at everything else, instead of looking introspectively, is where you lose your way.

“We’re a lot more truthful [now] to who we are and what we’re trying to be. I think it’s a growing pain we went through,” Ikeda added.

Under his lead, the automaker adopted its ‘Precision Crafted Performance’ mantra and has put greater emphasis on its design, most notably with the Precision Concept from the Detroit Auto Show back in 2016.

This new advertising direction continues despite the brand’s sales falling since their 2015 peak.


Other People Must Be Thinking This If He Typed It

2019 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk Drivers' Notes Review | Capable, yet costly 

'Mixed feelings' would be a pretty good summation 

Editor-in-chief Greg Migliore: I would not buy this Cherokee. With a sticker of more than 41 grand, it's too expensive. You can get pretty capable Wranglers and pretty nice Grand Cherokees for this price point. But, if you really love the Cherokee, this decked-out Trailhawk Elite is kinda awesome. You get all of the Trailhawk aesthetics and off-road prowess — you just have to pay for it.
